Clint Eastwood

Wow, and being a rich Democrat is different in your mind.

He was a employed to his constituency like he said in his speech. Maybe you did not state what you wanted done Marv.
I thought for an ad-libbed and unrehearsed speech, Clint Eastwood drove home the point with his fake interview of Obama in an empty chair. I thought his speech added the right amount of levity right before the heavy speeches of Rubio and Romney. I think he did a great job.

After watching the RNC on Fox Business News, I switched over to MSNBC to hear what the libtards Matthews, Maddow, Sharpton, and Schultz had to say about last night's speeches. As hard as Matthews tried to criticize Romney, the lone Republican on the MSNBC panel succinctly counter-pointed Matthews who then proceeded to jump on Clint Eastwood. Well, once Matthews jumped all over Clint Eastwood's speech, the rest of the magpies on the panel joined the bandwagon. It was by far some of the most hyper critical and superfluous commentary I have ever heard.

I think the most idiotic line came from Sharpton, "I don't be thinkin' dat's be the first time Clin' Eazwood be talkin' to an empy chair."

Yes they have been railing him. Most of it unwarranted and just plain ridiculous.
He made a complete ass out of himself at the convention with these dumb remarks looking at a empty chair. Let him stick to acting!

It is called improv. Being an actor he is great at it. You think he actually cares if he made an ass of himself? He is 82 for crying out loud, he is beyond the point where he can make a fool of himself and actually care what other people think of him.
How he said what he said has nothing to do with what he said, tho its as if it were as some people would want to point out.

However, talking about Gitmo, mentioning having terrorists being put to trial in downtown New York, and mentioning what a poor ideal and idea, and how lacking, insensitive and foolish such a thing would be, and Obamas supposed reaction goes right in line with not having a lawyer for president, as its a sick mentality to go thru such things in such ways, which lifts the laws higher than the very will of common sense made sense to me, and not about qhich approach he took.

He wasnt trying to be cooler than anyone else, nor popular as well, just pointing out a few things our current leader believes in fiercely, wasnt trying to be smooth, wasnt trying to create a seperation, which are things that are harmful and trivial, foolish and weak.
He was being a man, not a wimp, wasnt creating victims, wasnt creating bad guys, simply commenting on foolish ideals, foolish responses, not getting twisted into all the bull, but being a man, having his say his way.

It hurts more to those who championed those such as Michael Moore and such, who isnt the man Clint is, will never be, and doesnt even have a clue as to start being so.

As someone has said, it disqualifies feminists, as they look to Uncle Sam for freebies, so too it shows the hypocracy of those who think its cool to listen to nothing but slams with twists coming from those in Hollywood, but cant attack the message, not the messenger directly, but how the message was delivered, as one blow brings them to their knees, and their responses are not those of men, but accusationial children

Marv I really think a guy like Clint Eastwood can do whatever he likes at this late stage in his life and most people will still smile.

He has earned it.

Never really understand why you guys are so worked up about this?

All I saw was an old man sharing his political views to the republican audience.

Oh, the empty chair was a bit strange, but I am not an 😛
hey dummy you might like this jerk with his improvising of Obama but it was in poor taste like you dumb posts sometimes! A typical republican comment.

Why was it in poor taste? Just because he had a comedy skit about our President makes it intolerable. Let's remember how many jokes were made of Bush, most to actually make fun of him and make him look very stupid etc., and the rest that were all in good fun. But now the media is getting all worked up about a skit to lighten the mood a the Republican Convention. Totally blown out of proportion.

When an employee doesn't do the job, it's time to replace him!

Absolutely Loved it Marv! :lol: