Just tired of all the lies, the failed promises, the misleading efforts etc.
Like Wasserman-Shultz, plain lies, cover ups etc
He said he was different, the come together man, hes been quoted as saying government can grow the economy, yet he denies this, and fudges the level of his belief, while the MSM doesn't give perspectives and lets it continue.
Clint pointing out Obamas claims, then his failures, and how we all know the can has been kicked down the road, now also has the supposed fruition of those promises.
Meanwhile, we have business holding tight to their monies, hiring no one, and no clear attempts of a positive direction from Washington to jump start the economy, where fiscal budgets haven't been set in years, yet is the law, and anything waived in front of the repubs regarding this would get action, and nothing has come, budgets, helps nor direction, just want more time, even tho the dems had 2 years in total control, yet all the above didn't happen then, instead, only plans to create the largest disruption and singly new most expensive spending plan, while revenues shot down wards, Obama shutting out the repubs, then blaming them for this stalemate, yes, they were thru with this great organizer, this come together man.