Cloning WORKING 10G IDE Windows 2000 HD to a NEW 80 IDE HD


Feb 16, 2014
Hi -
Well, I'm stumped.
Used "Reflect" Free Edition to CLONE the contents of a WORKING 10G IDE Western Digital HD (came in the Compaq workstation) containing Windows 2000 Professional to a NEW 80 G Western Digital 80 G IDE HD.
Pin settings on the original = Cable Select.
Pin settings on the new HD = Cable Select
Compaq BIOS "IDs" the new drive.
Click F1 to save and boot.
Error message = No bootable disk.
What have NOT done to make this work right.
Thanks for your attention and guidance
Will it still boot to the old HDD? If so, try a different clone program (when forced to clone, I use AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro). I have had miserable luck cloning boot HDDs, so you may just be out of luck.

I really don't want to shame...but Win2000 on ide drives...?
Will it still boot to the old HDD? If so, try a different clone program (when forced to clone, I use AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro). I have had miserable luck cloning boot HDDs, so you may just be out of luck.

I really don't want to shame...but Win2000 on ide drives...?
Maz -
No shame taken.
Doing this for a CLIENT.
Yes. The original HD (source) works perfectly.
Will try your alternative cloning app to see what happens.
Thanks for your attention.