[SOLVED] CMD Spam Randomly?


Jan 11, 2019
Hey guys, so I'm unsure what is happening here. I noticed within the last 24 hours, if I leave my PC on the desktop - no apps or anything open or being used - I'll look over at my monitor and see the CMD prompt spamming my screen. Windows on top of windows will pop up and disappear almost instantly. I can't seem to read what they say fast enough to clearly tell you before they close, but it looked like I saw something along the lines of "windows 32 power config" or something like that. I don't see multiple lines of commands, just one command in one window popping up over and over again.

This has never happened before and I actually wouldn't pay too much attention to it since as soon as I move my mouse it all goes away and stops, BUT unless its an odd coincidence, I'm wondering if maybe this is a very bad thing, because I downloaded some software and it seems as though this weird issue has only started happening since downloading it. Although, I have since deleted the software, & never ran any EXE files from the software, I doubt that it could be a virus or anything but you never know, you know. Windows Defender says my PC is clean too. The software in question was an injector application for hacking into games, I planned to use it in LOTR:BFME for LAN with my friends. I know hack downloads can be sketchy so I felt like this is worth noting into the possibilities of what could be happening.

Is this just some random thing my computer may just be doing due to a recent windows update or something? Does power config mean anything serious (I wouldn't assume so)? Given the limited information I'm able to supply, does it sound like the injector could have been a virus(even though I never ran or opened any of the files in the injector folder besides README.txt)?

I'm not a complete n00b to PC's but CMD Prompt commands and what they do are not something I have ever really taken the time to educate myself on, and I can't seem to find anywhere else online that really lists what what's happening means. So if this is harmless then so be it, I just don't understand why I am NOW seeing these popups.

As I was sitting here re-reading my post to check for errors and to change words around to describe what's happening better, the popups came back and I got a video of it, here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19EDP7u0k5o1ggj0GroGumW8uMAxmpMhY/view?usp=sharing

Also I paused the video to get a clear look at the commands, it says "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\powercfg.exe"

I also have seen a new proccess in task manager I've never seen before and found the file location, heres a pic:

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