Comcast Limiting Bittorrent?


Oct 30, 2008
I have Comcast for broadband and I live in Fort Wayne, IN. They recently added their 50mbps package to compete with Fios and as a result doubled all of our connection speeds...for free!

My problem lies with bit torrent - specifically uTorrent.

Before the upgrade my downloads would always level off at about 760 KB/s and the Speakeasy Speed Test said I was at about 1.5MB/s. Granted that's probably mostly powerboost's doing. Now, Speakeasy says I'm at 3.5MB/s however uTorrent still levels off at 760-770 KB/s.

I have heard rumors of companies limiting/banning bit torrent traffic. Anyone know if Comcast does this, particularly in Fort Wayne? I thought of upgrading to the next highest plan but I'd rather not waste my money if they aren't going to let me use the full bandwidth.

Well, see your torrent speeds often do level off. most torrents won't get above a certain speed. For example i'm on a 50 mbps line, but often my download speeds just won't cross about 600kb/s on certain torrents.
it has more to do with the way torrents work. torrents won't necessarily max out your internet connection
correct, it depends a lot upon the seeds on bittorrent your capped at how fast the seeders can upload the file as well so that could be part of your problem.
Thanks Guys!

I realize that it's never going to be unlimited speed since people have to be able to upload as fast as I can download. I guess I just find it odd that no matter the number or type of torrent it [almost] always spikes up to ~1.4-1.5 MB/s (because of PowerBoost) then drops to 760-770 KB/s (which was the max speed of my old connection; 6Mbps). Now I have a 12Mbps connection and the download speed is exactly the same; 760-77KB/s (5.97Mbps).

Besides, if I download from 100 people at a time, each one uploading me 10Kb/s; shouldn't that equal 1MB/s download speed for me?

Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?
Update: I'm now downloading at a smooth 1.49-1.50MB/s off torrents with no changes to anything. :bounce: Perhaps the new speed increase just hadn't taken yet.

Thanks for the advice!