Company Uses Leaked Pics to Build and Patent iPhone 5

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Dec 13, 2008
I dont really see china as a huge threat to companies. Yes they do loose profit, and china doesnt stop their home companies from breaking even there own laws. But lets not cry too much, I mean these same companies are they ones that make millions-billions in PROFIT (so after paying every employee for the research, manufacturing, marketing, dreaming, lawyers and everything else) plus paying a group of people like ceos and board members half a million+ a year + benefits to run a company. While there is the idea we need to pay them what they are worth and some may very well be worth half a million, but does that mean they employees working on an assembly line making more then their quota everyday isnt worth the same amount? After all without this person, there would be NO products, nothing to make the profit with. They work there entire life as loyal employees, and instead of being looked at as part of the company and an replaceable asset, they are looked at as dumb employees that can be replaced the next day by one of 1000 other people. While the top people say that they are replaceable despite a line of 1000 people with the same education, just as much knowledge and business savvy. This isnt just Apple keep in mind, if you even look at companies like GM, they were paid this huge amount by a company that was going down the drain as fast as could be, the top people were loosing the business and yet they are better then anyone else?

I feel like I went into a short rant and sorry about that...


Nov 22, 2008
[citation][nom]matt_b[/nom]It would be refreshing to find a way to stop this country from encouraging such reckless piracy, thievery, and downright (although admittedly very good) copying[/citation]

We started the stupid system where he who patents first wins instead he who INVENTS first.
So the Chinese are going after Apple using our own screwed yup system.
Was bound to happen...



Apr 12, 2012
So all my friend said "Apple was right to sue samsung, that scumbag Korean company stole their ideas".
Now I'm gonna said "that scumbag Apple stole ideas from a China company =))".
Patents, rofl.


Jan 8, 2009
[citation][nom]airanp[/nom]It's not about being anti Apple, or applauding a company for stealing a design, it's about making people aware of just how broken the patent system is. Unfortunately, apple has played a big part in it with all of the misc., industry standard patents that they have applied for and been awarded. There is a big difference between innovation, and building upon someone elses work and patenting the end result. Not every patent apple has been given is truly innovative if you take the time to read through them and realize that many they have just expanded on someone elses work.[/citation]
I realize this, if I didn't, I wouldn't have posted what I did several posts above yours. I see a lot of articles that are loaded with thumbs down just because of bad news about Apple. Yes karma has that vindicated feeling when it comes to "what goes around, comes around" motto. I agree in the end, the patent system has too much frivolous applications. In the large picture, I don't see many people realize that there are also some companies that patent anything and everything out of fear of another company beating them to it. My main take on the current system is too many patents get authorization from an idea WITHOUT a single prototype or working example and patents granted for something as too common as like pressing a power button to switch a device on or the act of storing temporary data in something called RAM - why do these get approved?


Jan 23, 2009
as much as i hope apple falls in their own ditch, i know this wont stop them from selling iphone 5 with that design. Tim Cook could wipe his ass with a billion dollar bill and wave it in front of anyone and theyre instantly bought. They have too much money and that is precisely what this chinese company is after. and if apple cant buy the patent before the official anouncement next week, then theyd launch the iphone 5 anyway. start selling until they get sued and settle out of court.

as much as I want to see apple burn, I fear the only ones that can do it are google and its parnters. if samsung were to own a patent which apple violates I can bet my ass theyll try to bury the iphone wherever they can. but this chinese company is only after selling this patent, a very smart move for someone wanting to make easy money.


Mar 7, 2011
[citation][nom]dalethepcman[/nom]This is why apple should have manufacturing jobs in America, because the korean and chinese will have a much harder time stealing a warehouse full of parts and assembling a working model phone and getting it to market before Apple. If all the parts are made in China, then its a simple matter of logistics that the phone could be ready for sale in China faster than anywhere else in the world. Especially if you are going for a global launch, someone who is targeting only China could certainly beat you to the punch locally.But no.. paying an American worker $20 in labor to make an iPhone is $19 less profit than paying a Chinese worker $0.10 and paying $0.90 in shipping.You reap what you sew....[/citation]
So your saying that you want to steal jobs away from Chinese because your country deserves more? Sounds pretty selfish if you ask me.


Patents get approved by someone who is 'paid' to approve them!


Jul 16, 2009
2 wrongs don't make a right
Apple was wrong to launch frivilous lawsuits over rectangles and round corners
But this firm is even worse
The only good that can come of this is Apple backing down it's own claims, take the "My name is earl" route


Jul 1, 2010
[citation][nom]madjimms[/nom]So your saying that you want to steal jobs away from Chinese because your country deserves more? Sounds pretty selfish if you ask me.[/citation]
If Apple were a Chinese company selling products made in China to America, then your trollish comment would make some sense in regards to my comment. While trying to think of nothing but a witty remark you totally missed the point of my post. I cannot blame you though, its part of your Troll nature.

Hiring your largest competitor to supply 75% of the parts in your secret product then selling the manufacturing capacity of your secret product to the lowest bidder and having the lowest bidder be in a country that is most likely to steal your product "chip for chip" and resell it doesn't seem like a very good idea.

The only shocking thing with Apple using Samsung to supply all their parts and China to manufacture everything is that the designs weren't stolen from them on a larger scale much earlier...


Oct 19, 2011
There is nothing stopping a company from doing the same thing to Apple in the US. In fact, I'd really like it if this company was successful in patenting their product in many markets before Apple could. Then maybe we'd see real patent reform. Apple and other companies would be much more motivated to talk about patent reform if it happened. Apple has yielded patents as a weapon just like many other companies. I hope it's clear now just how dangerous patents can be when abused like they've been for the past decade.


Nov 19, 2007
I love how they even threw some humor into the name, Goo Phone, go cry goo goo apple, ya bunch of babies. funniest part is the fact that Apple didn't patent the iphone 5 concept before making a prototype.

Besides Apple stole their "rectangle with rounded edges" from pool tables in the first place.




Oct 30, 2011
I cant wait for the press release after the Iphone is released in China:
"For too long has Apple been copying our work for us to just stand idle! The blatant copying of the GooPhone design is costing our company billions and causing the industry irreversible damage! While we spend literally thousands of dollars in research each year to create a revolutionary device, it pains us to see someone get away with so obviously stealing our work.
We will be suing Apple for 2.54$ billion: cash or check."
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