Compaq Computer

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Jan 25, 2001
About you ?
No ! It´s Impossible as long you keep defending COMPAQ!

If you change your act , i might come up with somthing though!

Sex is like Pizza! When it´s good it´s really good.
When it´s bad, it´s still very good!


Quote:"...but a big part of the problem is people are buying things they have no idea about...". Well then isn't it your job as a RETAILER of PC's to qualify the client and make sure it's the system they need????
This is a VERY VERY basic part of selling to the end user, if you can't do it, then stop selling direct to the public and leave it up to professional sales people (Like me!)

...and I though my work here was done *sigh* :frown:
Ahh, it's appears Vigilance is the Price of Eternal Freedom from crappy PC manufacturers

Never be afraid to try new things. Remember, amateurs built the Ark - professionals made the Titanic


Feb 19, 2001
I have nothing to do with sales....I couldn't sale a can of coke....nor would I ever want to....Am I not correct in saying people have no idea what they are buying allot of times...You have to agree with that...

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ZaNtHeR on 05/01/01 11:55 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


*Lawson sigh again*
Yes ZaNtHeR you are right in saying that, but you are using that pharse as a defense to Compaq’s poor client service. This is no excuse mate, if the client has brought a product that doesn't suit there needs, and Compaq sold it to them, then Compaq is in the wrong for not qualifying them correctly. If a Compaq Partner sold it to them, then they need more training in selling your product, again YOUR responsibility.
On occasion I have lost a sale due to the fact that the client wanted to buy a product I knew wouldn't do the job correctly for them. In point, I gave away a sale to the opposition – but did so with a clear conscience as I will not sell just for the sake of pure profit. Some of these people returned to me in 6 months or so, after getting burned by another computer store that didn’t give a rats ass about them. When they re-entered the store they asked to be served by me and if I was busy where happy to wait. Why do they ask for me and are happy to wait?? TRUST: trust in me to design the correct system for their needs…these are clients you keep for life, they trust you and because they’ve been burn by someone who’s just after a sale, they won’t buy from anyone else, therefore 0.0% sales leakage. Also, they are your best form of advertising, not only is it free, but it’s a guaranteed sale if the person walks into the shop…you serve them with the same level of service and then they talk to their friend…repeat at infinitam. All because you qualified the original client in the first place, and used some basic sales skills and some integrity in doing business. If you’d like me to flight over to the States and do a US tour teaching these technique to your sales staff and partners, I’m sure we can negotiate some package.

Never be afraid to try new things. Remember, amateurs built the Ark - professionals made the Titanic


Feb 19, 2001
I totally agree with you but I have nothing to do with sales...I am on the support side.... We have approximately 65,000 employees...I am just a small step on the food chain.. I agree educating customers and trying to meet their needs is best...But really the salesman at Best Buy, circuit City, Radio Shack, aren't looking out for what is best for the customer... they just want the sell... To me it is more on an individual level...Does the salesman have integrity? Does he have morals? What drives this individual? Customer Satisfaction or increased revenue and commission? His committment and his capability? Is he knowledgable on the product?

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


Your Sales Partners ARE you. Maybe you should be looking at who is allowed to sell your product. If they don't give a toss about the client, than that increase support costs to you and refects badly on your brand name

Never be afraid to try new things. Remember, amateurs built the Ark - professionals made the Titanic


Dec 31, 2007
I am retired but worked Part Time at CompUSA for the past 3 years. The majority of the computers sold are Compaq and HP. We would get back 4 to 6 Compaqs to 1 HP for hardware failures. In 3 years we never had a HP demo fail. We were constantly replacing Compaq Demos for failure.
I have never owned a manufactured Box. I have been building my own since 1975 when I built an Altair 8800. I currently have 2 P-III 800EB's, a P-III 500 and a Laptop on my home network. I built my Son a 700 Mhz Duron on a DFI Motherboard for Xmas. All are solid and stable.


Hey, I am consitering buying a compaq and having compusa support it. I do know alot about computers and could probley build my own but I like the idea of having someone behind the computer other than just me. you think I am heading down the correct trail, I don't want intergration at all HP I feel has that ...


Dec 31, 2007
Hi Joey,
I am not sure what you mean by "Intergration". I can only relate to having the experiance I mentioned that over 3 years part time at CompUSA, I saw Compaq computers returned 5 to 1 over HP and the demo's we had on display were being constantly being replaced for failing and in 3 years I never had to replace an HP. My sugestion: Build your own. Second best: Buy Dell.


Feb 19, 2001
My opinion is if you are in the market of buying a new computer spend the extra money to get a computer that you can use for a few years that won't be too outdated by next year. I would look for quality components inside. I woouldn't buy anything that has integrated audio or video...Compaq has some really nice models in the 7000 series as I am sure dell does as well...which ever computer you decide on I suggest cracking open the case and looking inside at the expandibilty of the computer and how easy it will be to work on just in case....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


If you are going to invest your hard earned money on a PC, then I'd suggest you take the time and read this thread in it's entirety!

Compaq really suck in both quality and service IMHO, most ppl in retail/corporate IT sales will agree with me. ZaNtHeR is a Compaq Employee, that I assume is paid to lurk in these forums and misinform the public about the quality of the product and service.

Take your time and do some research before handing over the cash my friend!!

Never be afraid to try new things. Remember, amateurs built the Ark - professionals made the Titanic


Feb 19, 2001

People like you never sieze to amaze me... you are the kind of person that would stand and fight for something so unimportant like gay pride or something.... but yet your own kids suffer from lack of time spent with you while you are flying you gay pride banner on the street....I am here to help folks not give them false impressions or make up lies....It is obvious you do not like Compaq, fine then... but go find something that you can talk about in a positive way...well guess that would be the gay pride again...oh well I can't help everyone....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


I feel VERY positive and good about myself informing ppl that your product is a piece of crap! Why is it the YOU are the only one in this enormous thread saying they are a really good system??? Seems to me you’re the odd man out here mate, not me. You talk to me about wasting time: maybe if YOU spent more time manning the support phones, or designing better systems; instead of posting crap about how good Compaqs are and insulting the gay community, then that might be a step in the right direction you moron! BTW I am a happy married man with a wife who loves me dearly (I am bless), but we have gay friends who would beat the snot out of you for talking that way, grow up you simple minded man!

If I save one poor soul from investing their saving on the lemon in a flash case you call a compaq, and save them having to deal with total morons like you on support lines, then my time not wasted, it been well spent.

You say “Perception is Reality”, well I perceive Compaq as a poor quality manufacture computer with service that is on par with government social services, and YOU as the definition of the wankers you'll deal with on compaq support lines...THEREFORE THIS IS A FACT!
Thank you :)

Ps. I apologies to the rest of the posting community for this post, but his guy is really starting to p*ss me off

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case


Feb 19, 2001
Piss you off huh....better to be pissed off than pissed on...what a complete idiot...USA should send all their homos to Australia so you can be one big happy family....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


Yup, what I'd expect from you ZaNtHeR. If you wanna flame someone then flame ME! I just hope all the propective Compaq buyers, including you Joey, are reading this thread. Is this the typical response and attitude from a Compaq Representative?

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case


Jan 18, 2001
you want to know something
i have a compaq and hate and there is no such thing as good custormer support after a year and a half this thing i hhave sworn never to buy form them again bcause of all the problem i have had including reinstalling the os which i had to do several times becuase each time the drive for the modem would not show up

get one form a local store they have much better service and they are close they also care about there customers

you want to now what good compnets they put in my system
well they put a nice s3 savage pro in thius thing with 16mb of ram

<font color=red>Gasoline + Fire</font color=red> Can be a lot of fun :smile: :smile: :smile:


Feb 19, 2001
You bought it.... Obiviously you didn't know what you were doing.... And why did you have to reinstall the OS just because the modem wasn't showing up?

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ZaNtHeR on 07/02/01 01:32 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


? All, I want to do here on Tom's BB is make sure FACTS are posted...not some lame smack someone wants to lay down
Ok, you want facts, Zanther? Here they are. I've read this entire thread (every one of your posts, word for word) just now, and here you go.

1. You have yet to post EVEN ONE fact about Compaq. Opinions are nice, but facts count.
2. You have flamed people because they are from other countries. Do you forget Compaq is a global company?
3. You flamed someone (don't remember who) for not having perfect english, while you have made several grammatical errors. Nobody is perfect. I don't expect you to be, but I DO expect you to not flame people for not being perfect. And that sentence definitely wasn't perfect :)
3. You flamed someone by calling them gay when you really know NOTHING ABOUT THEM. This upsets me, not because you're saying that about someone who's gay, but because you're saying that about someone who most likely isn't.

Now, that said, I think you've brought up a couple of valid points. The problem is, you flame anyone who makes even a passing remark about Compaq. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE heard a good thing from a Compaq owner. So go ahead, flame me because of other people's experiences.

I've never owned a Compaq or worked on one, so I'm not going to form an opinion about them, good or bad. I've had a bad experience with Dell, which is why I recently built my own computer. I will however, form an opinion of you. I certainly hope you're not like this in real life. I would hate to work with someone who refuses to admit they're wrong, and demands facts they are not willing to give. You are not a good debater, and that's why you are disliked on this board. Have I ever gotten in an flame war with someone on here? Nope. Have I disagreed with people? Most definitely. I've tried my best to conduct conversations rationally and with an open mind. You have failed to do that.

If you were civil, Zanther, you would find that everyone on this board (with a few exceptions) would listen to you. Then they could disagree and you could go your seperate ways, both better off for the experience. However, you have turned a thread on a great forum on a very respecable website into a shouting match. And what has been achieved? Not one thing.

I award you no points, sit down, and may God have mercy on your soul :)
(That's from Billy Madison, just in case some people don't get it).

Apple? Macintosh? What are these strange words you speak?


Feb 19, 2001

I agree flaming gays and certain individuals is not the correct thing to do but what gets to me is people flaming Compaq and other companies that they have no clue about. Lawson, gets to me because no matter what I try and say about Compaq or any other thing he is just negative about. I know gay people, I know ignorant people, I have made bad purchases but that is just it. I take responsibility for not researching what I am buying and learn from that experience. Personally, I will never buy a manufactured PC not because of a bad experience but because I get satisfaction from building my own and putting exactly what I want inside (hardware & software). I work in the technical side answering technical questions from my peers. Trust me, I once took end user calls and most issues that generate calls are software issues that the user created. Please don't misunderstand what I am trying to say here, I don't expect everyone to know about there computer or issues they may occur, however, I do expect honesty. So, when the technician asks, " Have you installed or deleted anything?" and the user says no... knowing that they have no matter how innocent it maybe, may have caused the problem....One thing I do not like about Compaq is the modem used.... The only reason I am aware of why it is still being used is because of the cost it is cheap and does work for many people but I myself do not like it. Compaq is a good brand for newbie users in my opinion. However, I would suggest to the more advanced user to build his own. I like having a copy of the OS as well as more options in the BIOS. I have no real issue with anyone here but FLAME ME AND I WILL FLAME YA BACK!!! ALso, I was only kidding about Canada and Australia... It really seems like a very nice place to visit... It least Vancouver is anyway..... Lawson acts like I am the CEO for Compaq and expects I can work miracles... I am just a tiny part of Compaq... My voice is barely heard.... It is like shouting at a Metallica concert....Sometimes it feels like it is a waste of time....I would love for someone to actually listen to me and make changes at Compaq but... I live with reality and know that it will not happen... You see when you work for a large corporation like Compaq upper management is out to make money for themselves through stock and business deals under the table. Making deals that benefit them not always the company (especially if they have a vested interest in that company). Hey but if anyone ever has a question or a real issue I would be more than happy to help.... I will apologize if I have offended anyone here... It was never my intention when I came to Tom's BB....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


ZaNtHeR - I work for one of your competitors - ain't saying which one. I know for a fact that compaq fail consistenly to offer a good customer service.
This has nothing to do with compaq - I don't have anything against there company - all computers go wrong all the time - we have a high number of returns ourselves.
What I do have a problem with is your f-ing attitude. You a are a homophobic bloke who has no sense of decency you flame other users because you cant think of anything better to do. Its called a fobb off. I do it all the time. The difference is I'm having a laugh and I explain this later on after I've wound a few people up. It's a laugh. But you are just too serious. Get yourself a life. Move out from your parents learn some indepenedence and slag me off if you can cos there is no way you will ever hold your own on me.

Have a nice life you pathetic tw-t

If it ain't broke don't fix it
Hardware Central Rules
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oh, BTW Compaq's still suck :tongue:

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case


Feb 19, 2001
That was so senseless I don't even know what to say... Was there a point to that? Obviously you have no life either if you are here reading my posts.

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>
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