Compaq Computer

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Feb 19, 2001
Thanks Lawson!!! Your intelligence bewilders me.....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


I have been reading this and laughing a bit, but I do have to say that I think this thread is the most perverted we have ever had here. It's just plain mean at this point. I don't see the sense in it anymore. You guys are all bashing the crap out of each other over something that is all opinion. Zanther has already admitted 150 times that Compaq is for beginers where as an advanced user should build his own machine. What more can you possible want from the guy? We all know that EVERY Oem does exactly the same thing...put the cheapest components in to get the best performance possible. Even Dell with all it's glory has a proprietary motherboard, case, and powersupply. I don't know about you guys, but that alone makes it very difficult to upgrade the box without buying a new case. Compaq is no different and everyone I know who owns one has had no problems with it lasting for many years. I myself cringe when I have to work with their machines, but that's not what it was bought for.

Just end this thread, it's gone too far. Way too far.

<font color=red>Yeah, I took a crap on your lawn. Whatcha gonna do about it?</font color=red>


Obviously you have no life either if you are here reading my posts.

Soz but you said it not me. If I have no life for reading it - what do you have for writing that BS.

If it ain't broke don't fix it
Hardware Central Rules
<A HREF="mailto: "> </A>


Jan 25, 2001
Not True!

Dell and Gateway computers don´t use crappy material like Compaq´s does!

Learn from other´s mistakes!
You won´t live to make them all by yourself! :-D


Dec 31, 2007
Oh, I don't know. I've heard some horror stories about both Gateway and Dell about both proprietary components and poor quality components. Admittedly, Dell's laptops seem to be top notch at least.

Granted, as far as horror stories go, I've heard a LOT more about Packard Hell and Compaq than any other company. Heck, as far as system failures go, I've heard more Compaq horror stories than all other OEMs combined. And as far as proprietary and cheap arsed components go, Packard Hell takes the cake.

Granted, this is just me in my little neck of the woods. Maybe somewhere else the ratios are different. However, since I have friends and relatives who deal with this on a regular basis in Wisconsin, Illinois, South Carolina, Washington DC, and Alabama, well, it's a pretty good area coverage.

I will agree that consumers should educate themselves before looking for a new computer. If they just aren't smart enough to, they should at least bring along a friend/family member who IS educated on computers and can really push a salesperson to their limits of knowledge.

That said, it still should be the salesperson's job to find the best computer for the needs of their customer. Not to rip them off. I think Radio Shack is probably the worst example of this I've ever seen. I've never heard more lies, deciet, and pushing things that people don't need than I have walking through Radio Shack. Newbies, avoid that place like the plague.

Tech support from Compaq, well, of all major OEMs, I've heard of the worst stories about them. Strangely enough, usually they deal with either CD ROMs or modems. [shrug] Go figure. When it's a CD ROM issue, you have to hassle them constantly for a replacement. When it's a modem issue, good luck ever getting a driver that works. Strangely, I've heard of this from friends and family for years. I almost felt like I was home hearing the same things in this thread.

So while I agree that someone in the market for a new computer but not knowledgeable on how to fix them should go for a major OEM, of all OEMs Compaq and Packard Hell are the last two I'd EVER suggest to people. I'd say go with Dell. Maybe there will be upgrade problems, but if you're an unknowledged person looking for a new computer, you're not likely to be worried about upgrading anyway. Gateway is okay-ish. They're a lot more talk and hype than reality though. Maybe they used to be a much better company when they were smaller, but now they're no better than any other major OEM.

And if you're a skilled PC technician, put a bloody system together yourself. It's cheaper, you always get exactly what you want, if you go retail on all parts then everything has a long standing warantee (if you're not overclocking that is), and you don't have to worry about killing your warantee for messing around trying to fix it on your own. Plus you always know exactly what is in there and hence what drivers to get and where to get them.

And ZaNtHeR, if you can say ONE SINGLE good thing about Compaq <i>other</i> than they look wiz or that the company is no worse than any other major OEM, I'd like to hear it, preferably without pointless flaming of course. :)

-THG isn't AMD biased. They just turn Intel mobo reviews into AMD vs. Intel debates for fun. Yeah.


Here's the latest leaked email from Michael Capellas to the staff at Compaq. Cutting through the craps that CEOs write, it says "4000 staff, clean out your desks and get the hell out!"

From: Chairman & CEO - Michael D. Capellas
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 4:19 PM
Subject: Strategic Update
To: Compaq Global Team

<i> First Micky kisses ass and uses the typical exective powerwords and jargon </i>

Last month, I outlined for you Compaq’s vision, mission and strategy moving forward, as well as the need to make some fundamental changes to transform the company into the leading IT solutions provider. This means best-in-class platforms coupled with best-in-class services.

Today, I’m encouraged to see that many of the changes described in the June communication are well underway - and with the kind of enthusiasm necessary to successfully combat tough market conditions. We are continuing to build on our foundation of delivering innovative products - including the recently announced EVO N200, new consumer line-up, two new TaskSmart appliance servers and recent ProLiant family additions - and in delivering great customer value. And we continue to outperform the market in customer satisfaction, the true hallmark of long-term success.

In fact, our second quarter performance reflects solid execution on a number of fronts:

1) Strong Services revenue growth - double-digit when measured in local currency.
2) Dramatic inventory reduction -- $600 million across the entire supply chain, well above our $450 million target for the quarter.
3) Stringent cost control - we reduced operating expenses to their lowest level in three years.
4) Aggressive execution of our restructuring plan - that helped offset top line weakness in a challenging economic climate.

As a result of these and other efforts - including winning new customers and increasing customer satisfaction - we reported today that we expect to meet current analyst expectations for the second quarter of $0.04 per diluted common share.

<i> Enough with the butt kissing, here comes the real reason for mick's email </i>

I stated in my June 12th message that our 30-day action plan included reducing structural costs to enable us to price competitively and improve profitability.

In this period of slow demand - our Q2 revenue shortfall was primarily due to worsening economic conditions in Europe <i> It couldn't be that Compaq's product is of poor quality and people are starting waking up to that fact </i> - we have to take the tough actions necessary to permanently improve our business model <i> And keep my CEO yearly bonus secure </i> while making the investments necessary to become a services and solutions-led business. As a result, we have taken an additional restructuring charge in Q2 of approximately $490 million <i> We found designing a better computer just to dificult, much easier to sack people </i>, which will result in the elimination <i> Can't say the unemployment word now can we </i> of about 4,000 positions
<i> Positions = peoples lives </i>.

Of the 4,000 positions affected, 2,500 represent those originally earmarked for attrition - attrition that failed to materialize due to a weak global economy. An additional 1,500 positions will be eliminated to further reduce structural costs.

These reductions - as well as the 4,500 involved in first quarter restructuring actions - will come in part from the closure of certain manufacturing facilities, further consolidation within our Access segment and reduction of administrative support functions. But some reductions are taking place in all areas of the company, both domestically and internationally.

The total number of positions impacted by Q1 and Q2 restructuring actions is 8,500. To date, we have reduced 3,500 of the 4,500 positions associated with Q1 restructuring.

Clearly, the elimination of these positions represents a difficult time for us all with respect to the loss of fellow employees. We are committed to move on this as quickly as possible and to provide those impacted with the severance programs and outplacement assistance to help them transition successfully.

Remember, our intention is to emerge one of the clear winners from the current economic environment, and this restructuring - difficult as it is - is essential to our success. We must execute, innovate and focus relentlessly on adding value to our customers. Thank you for your continued commitment to do just this.


What a wonderful company to work for NOT!

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case


Zanther, here's a question for you:

A friend of mine bought a BRAND NEW Compaq laptop for someone else (don't remember where he got it). He had all kinds of problems with it, couldn't figure out what was going wrong. He popped it open, and switched out the RAM (it was Kingston). It worked perfectly (for a Compaq, J/k ;).
Anyhow, he called Compaq to ask about a replacement stick of RAM, and they told him that Compaq laptops aren't compatible with Kingston RAM. What is with that? Compaq is selling stuff, then saying it's not our fault that we put the wrong things together?

Whoever thinks up a good sig for me gets a prize :wink:


Feb 19, 2001
I agree something is up because Compaq does not sell Kingston ram if the unit was bought from an authorized dealer as a NEW unit I would take it back and demand a refund or replacement....

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


Feb 19, 2001
I will not defnd this letter as I agree it is truly starting to stink around here.... Morale is at an all time low. Everyone is worried whether they will have a job from day to day.... Maybe time to jump ship...

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>


Apr 26, 2001
I've heard many horror stories about compaq, seen way too many sub-standard built machines. They're cheaply built, with a lot of garbage inside. Compaq is so big because there are so many people in the world who need/want a computer and don't know a damn thing about them. I'd never buy OEM to start with, but after seeing inside the compaq machines i've seen, they're one of the last manufactures i'd ever buy from, and they are definitely one of the last companies i'd ever recommend for someone wanting to buy an oem. I will give them this though. One good fact about compaq. I don't know if the Canadain devision is any different than the American devision, but here the service seems to be pretty good. I have good friend who owns a compaq. The monitor went down. I tested the system with one of my monitors, and it was fine, so it was definitely the monitor. She called compaq and explained this to them, and the very next morning, there was a brand new monitor courried to her door, with payment for return shipping for the old monitor. I don't know what anyone else thinks, but that's pretty damn good service to me.

I don't know why I felt the need to post this, especially considering his comments about Canadians, but here it is.

<font color=red> To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is research.</font color=red>


Dec 31, 2007
I think Compaq's service is a matter of luck, or it's just a LOT better where you are.

My uncle bought a Compaq online a few years ago. Knowing that his new system was coming in, he sold his ancient one. The new system gets there and neither the CD ROM nor the modem were working. He called tech support. They told him to download the new drivers. He asked them how he was supposed to accomplish this without a working modem. They told him that all he had to do was connect to the internet and download them from such and such web page. He explained in detail how he couldn't download the drivers because it was his modem that wasn't working.

Finally getting that the modem and the internet are related, the tech support person then said that they'd ship him a new CD and it should have the drivers on it. He pointed out that the CD wouldn't do any good because his CD ROM didn't work either.

At this point the tech support person was baffled. God forbid they comprehend what a floppy drive is and send him a driver floppy. No, instead they tell him that they'll send out a representitive to diagnose his computer sometime next week. He asks why he can't just send it back for them to fix because he works odd hours and may not be there to let the their tech in. They argue with him and finally HANG UP ON HIM when they won't do things his way.

Well, the next day my uncle calls back to find out when someone will try to look at his computer. This person has no clue either and says that they can't find anything in their database about it, but they'll put something in and send someone out next week.

Well, the person never shows. Two weeks go by and finally my uncle decides to call again and ask yet again why he can't just ship it back to them to fix. They again argue that it won't be necessary and that they'll send someone out to look at it in a week.

They never show.

My uncle finally just ships the system back with a note explaining everything that's been happening and to please just fix it and send it to him in working order.

A month goes by, and he still hasn't heard nor seen his PC or anything about it. So he calls up to find out what's going on with his PC. They tell him that his PC order was listed as cancelled because delivery was refused. He told them damn right it was and demanded a refund.

He got his refund and bought a computer elsewhere. He was still mad though that they cut out a portion of the refund for a restocking fee and that he had to pay for shipping to return it. Needless to say, he's avoided Compaq since and was perfectly happy to tell the technician that showed up at his doorstep unannounced three weeks later to get f___ed.

Granted, this is the worst of my Compaq horror stories. Usually they just involve bad hardware that eventually gets replaced.

<pre><font color=orange>Sunnova</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Beach</font color=blue>, <i>ain't life a beach?</i></pre><p>


I would contact my credit card company (before sending the POS back) and stop payment. That's ridiculous. What would the CC company do though? Would they refuse payment and leave you with the stupid PC? Or would you end up having to pay for restocking and shipping? I would do everything to avoid paying a dime for their retardation...

<font color=red>Yeah, I took a crap on your lawn. Whatcha gonna do about it?</font color=red>


Dec 31, 2007
Credit card transactions are generally instantaneous once they've been processed and can't be cancelled later. The most you can hope for at that point is sending it back and trying to convince the company that charged you for it to re-imburse your credit card. You can take them to court if they don't, but usually they do if it's a legit return.

But depending on how long these things take, sometimes the reimbursement is applied after you've already payed the credit card bill, and then things just get really screwed up.

<pre><font color=orange>Sunnova</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Beach</font color=blue>, <i>ain't life a beach?</i></pre><p>


To save viewers of this thead from reading the previous 92 post, let me recap:

Compaq = POS :tongue:

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case


I preferr compaq is for people who have sex with little boys



Jul 7, 2001
Compaq is an old time company.
If they were a new business, coming into the market know, their crap would be shot down instantly.

Compaq does have decent servers, but their Deskpro line is just crap. (I won’t even comment on their home PC line) Their sales force is good though, that’s why they keep selling stuff. If you’re in a big company they come in and give these great presentations that almost make you forget how bad their stuff actually is.

- I got a board too:


Hail fellow Compaq lovers

Here's another gem, don't you just love thier arrogance:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Compaq<font color=red>(n)</font color=red><font color=purple>Com/pac:</font color=purple> A lemon in a flash case<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Lawson on 07/22/01 10:38 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 31, 2007
Yeah. The ONLY good thing that I have to say about Compaq is that they were smart enough to buy out Digital so that they owned the Alpha chips.

Not that I've ever had good experience with an Alpha chip myself. I've heard that others have. Myself though, my company stuck the Alpha system towards me as though it were any regular PC and said that the x86 emulation on it was good enough to allow me to develop our software on. Hmm ... I'd like to know what reality they live in where a non x86 architecture chip can compile x86 architecture software.

The emulation was so shoddy that I could hardly ever even install the software packages that I needed just to do my job.

Needless to say, I later got a good old Pentium, like everyone else around the office after I complained over and over for six months about how I couldn't get anything done.

To this day, I'm still not sure just why the company has an Alpha. Or why it's just sitting there on my desk never in use, if it was so important to them to buy one.


But anyway, the one good thing I have to say about Compaq is that they have the Alpha chips that are, from what I've heard, good for servers and scientific applications.

Other than that, Compaq = PoS.

<pre><font color=orange>Sunnova</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Beach</font color=blue>, <i>ain't life a beach?</i></pre><p>


Feb 19, 2001
So this question is for all who choose to reply.... If you were brand new to computers and were going to buy a computer from a major OEM manufacturer who would you buy it from? I don't expect anyone to say Compaq... We all know everyone here doesn't like Compaq but I am curious to see...

<b><font color=blue>Perception is Reality!!!</b></font color=blue>
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