Computer is getting low (maybe capped frames) on games that I should be getting much higher. And also crashing occasionally.


Oct 22, 2016

So I recently built my computer:

GTX 1060 MSI
16 GB of Corsair Ram
650W PSU
MSI Z170A GAMING Motherboard
Hyper 212 Evo Processor Cooler
Windows 10 64 Bit

and I get like 400 frames on LoL and 250 on CSGO both at max settings. However sometimes they crash (the screen freezes and I'm forced to restart). I know it cannot be a problem that my computer can't "handle the games" because GeForce Experience is recommending that I run it on basically maxed settings, and that brings me to the problem. When I load the game mainly my computer starts to freeze up a little and then completely freezes and I have to restart. I've done the Xbox DVR thing and used razer game booster, but nothing seems to be working. Also when I'm able to play GTA occasionally I seem to be capped at 60 frames on normal settings even though I should be able to run much better than that.

Thanks for the help guys, Luke

Make sure to leave a comment if you need more information on the situation.
So I figured out the problem, I needed to have my ram in the 1-3/2-4 configuration on my motherboard (mine was 3-4). I also went into the BIOS and changed my MhZ to 2400. Thanks guys

Thanks a lot man this helped a lot! I'll have to make sure I'm still not crashing. Really appreciate it bro, also my core temps are all normal.
So I figured out the problem, I needed to have my ram in the 1-3/2-4 configuration on my motherboard (mine was 3-4). I also went into the BIOS and changed my MhZ to 2400. Thanks guys