Computer monitor blacks out after a while

Jun 6, 2018
Hey all!

This has been happening recently to my computer. Every time I load up a game, my display monitor will black out saying "HDMI-1 no signal" (sometimes it will be a screen of just green, pink, blue, and other colors soon). I can hear the application in my headphone running in the background so I'm thinking it couldn't be a power supply problem. It doesn't reset randomly as well as this led me to believe it's not the power supply. Also, I was able to talk to my friends through a voice chat application call discord during this blackout but only 50% chance of that happening. I updated my video drivers and it still had the same problem.

PC Specs:
Intel Core i5-7500 3.40GHz (CPU)
Corsair CX600 (Power Supply)
8.00GB (RAM)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti EVGA (Graphic Card)
Gigabyte Motherboard
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Solutions tried:
Upgrading graphics drivers
Placing ram and graphics card off and on
Putting the game in windowed mode
Turning off any experimental options in the game

I'm believing it could be a hardware issue but I was hoping to come here if anyone had a problem or know someone who had something similar and has a solution

So, this happens only while running a certain set of applications? Run these applications in windowed mode and see if the problem persists, it could be the in-game resolution or the Refresh Rate, try adjusting those for your monitor... I am not sure if that is the case because you mentioned colours changing in the monitor.

Sorry, I forgot to mention I did try windowed mode as well. The result of this would give me a bit of a longer duration to fix any issues before it would black out. We thought it would be the game and tried to change to borderless and windowed and turning off any experimental options that were available to the games we tested. If it does help, before all this, my monitor did one strange activity where it would go to a really low resolution and have only black and white. the solution was to reset but i don't know if it is connected to this current problem.