Question Computer Motherboard Boot Loops when PC turned off

Apr 22, 2020
For some reason, my motherboard continuously cycles power after it's turned off. It turns on the lights to my usb hub and my ext drive boots and shuts off boots and shuts off forever, I can even see the lights on the motherboard cycling as well, but the computer is powered off and idle. Anyone know what this might be? My house suffered a pretty bad power surge the other day and I can't help but feel this is the result. If anyone has a fix please advise, thanks
I dont know whats wrong, but if your MB randomly cycles power, it may be the surge but may also be a PSU error, I dont know. If your computer is even then powered off and idle, try unplugging it and plugging it back in then manually powering it on and see if it boots. If that doesn't work just keep it unplugged to hopefully stop it happening and remove the PSU and try a new one.