Question Computer partially losing wifi connection. Why?


Apr 3, 2003
I am streaming a radio station while surfing the web. I go through periods in which Chrome periodically reports no wifi connection when I open a new site or refresh the page. The music stream (via an open tab) continues uninterrupted I just can't access web pages.

I can disconnect and reconnect to the router and reestablish Chrome functions.

Sometimes this happens often over a period of a few hours and then may not happen for long stretches of time.

It's happened with multiple routers. This is my travel laptop and I've been in more than a half dozen different hotels in the last three weeks. I've had the problem in most/all.

Right now I have a very strong wifi connection and it's happening.

Windows 10 and Chrome.
This sounds like a DNS issue since open connections do not need to look up the IP address again. It is very strange it happens on mulitple routers.

I would test on another browser to be sure it is not some bug in chrome.

You can set your DNS to something like or in the nic settings and that should prevent most DNS issues.