Computer Randomly Freezing [Not Overheating]


May 28, 2016
I've owned my computer since January of this year and have had no problems whatsoever. The only problem I had was initially getting the computer to start. The computer would not start with the RAM being in any other slots besides slots 2&3. Or one stick would work in any slot.

So to get to the problem at hand now, my computer will randomly freeze requiring a hard reset only. It will occur at complete random times. It started happening at the beginning of this month. Sometimes I can go days without it freezing and sometimes minutes. It started happening when I began to play Dark Souls III for long periods of time. Overheating right? I monitored all of my temperatures at all times and never passed the 50 degrees Celsius mark after gaming for hours. It wouldn't freeze while I was playing other games such as Dota 2 or Tree of Savior. So I was sure it was just overheating with heavy load games. Unfortunately it began to freeze when I would simply open google chrome. Therefore I still don't believe overheating can be the problem. I ran Prime95 and my temperatures reached 80 degrees and it did not freeze or crash. I have noticed it crashing at around 50 degrees before which should be fine temperatures for the CPU and GPU that I have. I have ran heaven benchmark for hours on end without crashing as well. But a freeze will simply trigger with no warning otherwise. Next, it was time to try memtest. I ran with both sticks in and got a single error, test 13, hammer test. Thinking I had a bad stick I removed the 'bad' stick and ran again with 0 errors. Problem solved right? Hurray! Well I ran Overwatch for 6 hours before a freeze occurred yet again. Back to square one. Clean install of Windows 10, updated all drivers, nada. I have had 2 BSOD's occur throughout the whole process. One being IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and the KERNEL trap error. Both pointed to ntsokrnl.exe in bluescreenview. Well, did all the troubleshooting for that as well. No fix there either. I've ran chkdsk and sfc scannow and the whole dism command too. It didn't fix it. I ran burnintest on everything as well and received no errors. Event viewer points to event ID 41, kernel power error. I've also updated all of my drivers and all of that. I did not recently install anything new or add any new hardware as well. No real changes to PC to have it cause this either.

So I'm at a loss here. I'm not very good with computers and I can't really find much else on the Internet so I'm here asking for help the best way I know how. I've found many troubleshooting posts on this website that have helped temporarily but now I am truly stumped. Please reach out and give me some honest recommendations. I just want to find a positive result so I can pinpoint the problem and replace what is necessary. Thank you!

OS: Windows 10 Professional
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($233.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus Asus Z170-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($150.99 @ NCIX US)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($62.99 @ B&H)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($88.30 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB WINDFORCE Video Card ($319.49 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($63.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA G2 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($89.99 @ Amazon)

Deleted member 217926

Have you updated the board to the latest BIOS? You're having memory issues and most of the Z170 BIOS revisions have been for enhanced memory compatibility.

Is XMP enabled? Any errors in memtest mean a problem ( as you can tell :p ).


May 28, 2016
Hey, I'm having what sounds like your exact problem and have extremely similar specs. I have the same motherboard, ram, and memory. I also noticed earlier today that our ram isn't on the z170-a's QVL, despite being 'compatible.' I'm thinking that it might have something to do with this memory having issues with the z170-a platform? unfortunately i have no way of testing this, but that's my current hunch. Sorry this wasn't very helpful, trying to figure out what's going on myself!


May 28, 2016

I had issues with the BIOS initially, I downloaded the latest version and my PC would not display anything, I had to 'update' to an older version to get it to run fine, so I'm weary about this but it is most likely my next step. I've tried with XMP enabled and disabled and it did not seem to help. Since memtest I have not put the 'bad' stick back in the PC. I was able to play for hours on end last night with no freeze so maybe it truly is overheating as it was cooler? I'm really still lost. But thank you so much for the reply, more troubleshooting ahead!


May 28, 2016

Hey ecko, I would definitely like to stay in touch and share each other's problems. I'm glad that I'm not the only one. How long has yours been acting up? I was able to run for 4 months before this problem occurred and it will only happen as far as I know when it is hot and I am gaming, but I have monitored temps and haven't noticed anything bad when it crashes.. As for last night I was able to play for 3 hours with no freeze. I'm probably just as confused as you and pulling hair, so lets stay in touch!

Deleted member 217926

Z170 is still so new ( DDR4 as well ) that most boards for sale are still version 1 and are shipped with one of the first few BIOS revisions. Updating should be the first priority. I did mine before I even installed Windows.


May 28, 2016

Yeah, I've updated way passed the original BIOS originally. I'm only a few versions behind the latest (1402 rather than 1801). Which has worked perfectly fine for the past 4 months. I'm not exactly sure if the update would fix the problem completely unless you strongly suggest otherwise.


May 28, 2016

I've been having issues for about a month, since I first bought and completed my build. I've also tried flashing the BIOS to the latest version which did seem to help, but only for a few days. Just last night after a freeze did a general cleaning of the inside of my case, got rid of the little dust that was there and reseated my GPU/RAM. I'll let you know how it goes, though this is sort of a desperation move :p.

I do agree that the freezing tends to occur when my temps are higher than normal. I froze last night and the night before when it was around ~85 degrees in my house, whereas it was much cooler during the week and I didn't experience any issues.

If this doesn't work, I have a few things that I want to try:
1) Underclocking RAM to 2133mhz
2) Properly reseating heatsink
3) Completely replace RAM with something on the QVL



May 28, 2016

Hey sorry for replying so late, got caught up in a few things. Any solutions yet? So far I haven't had another freeze yet since my AC finally kicked in so it may have been heat all along but I'm honestly not sure. I'll let you know if it crashes again or if I troubleshoot anymore.


May 28, 2016

I actually ended up just bringing it into the local PC shop out of frustration, though I regret not trying to boot up with one stick of ram myself. I'm almost entirely convinced that it's going to turn out to be a RAM/motherboard compatibility issue, but hopefully the shop will be able to find out what's up. I'll 100% post the results when I get them.
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May 28, 2016

Cool! I think mine ended up being something overheating although I'm not sure exactly what it was. I have not experienced another freeze so far so maybe I did something right but I can't say exactly what it was. Hope you get it figured out!
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