Computer restarts when gaming.


Dec 7, 2016
My computer restarts when I'm gaming. Between 10-40 minutes in the game the screen goes black and the computer restarts. Its been happening since i built the computer.
I read threads with similar problems and most of the people say its the psu.

I tried installing fresh windows 10 64bit retail copy.
I ran cpu and gpu furmark burner and everything was fine.
What do you guys think?

Intel core i7 6800k
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
MSI x99a mobo
850 watt psu evga supernova g2
Corsair 16gb (2x8) 3200mhz
Samsung evo 850 500gb ssd
Corsair h100i v2 cpu cooler

CPU under the stress test 100% load around 40C
GPU around 42C running gta v on very high settings

I did fur mark on both cpu and gpu again today.
CPU 44 C
GPU 64 C

and yes my bios is updated to latest version

This isn't right.

Shut the machine down, unplug it, hold the power button for three seconds to drain any remaining power, and open the case. Reseat the CPU, RAM and graphics card. If it's not all stringy and gross, you can reuse the old thermal paste if you don't have more. If you have more thermal paste, clean the old off with rubbing alcohol and apply new.

Why is it not right? Pc runs great except for that restart when gaming.


It's not right because those temperatures are not possible.

Windows is not reading your CPU temperature correctly. Please reseat your CPU.

It seems fine for me. A lot other people with similar builds have the same temps as me.

For ex.