Question Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop


Jul 6, 2018
Dear all

When I was separating the bottom cover on my laptop with a plastic plectrum.

Without any problems I separated / loosened the bottom cover on the left side and right side, and most of the front side.

It wouldn’t let go at the front, in front of the mousepad – I was missing to unscrew the only screw at the front.

I was pulling the southwest corner on the bottom cover, close to where the battery is located, I was pulling away from the laptop. I noticed, that the southwest corner on the TOP cover, where the battery is placed, was bending a couple of millimeters.

The southwest corner on the BOTTOM cover was bending a couple of centimeters.

The southwest corner on the TOP cover was bending a couple of millimeters.

After a couple of pulls, the plastic part that held the screw broke off.

After the bottom cover broke of, I was very concerned if I had damaged any of the hardware parts.

I was looking thoroughly on all the hardware parts with a lamp, and no bent or damage was anywhere to be seen.

I removed the network card that has integrated Bluetooth – that was the reason I removed the bottom cover.

It was no problem to put the bottom cover back on again.

When using the laptop afterwards, alle functions was functioning correct.

Is there any noticeable bent or damage on the hardware, on the photos (see photos below)?

When looking thoroughly on the hardware parts, what should I look for regarding if bent og damaged?

How much can the hardware parts with printed circuit boards bend, before taking damage?

How much can the battery bend, before taking damage?

Thank you


1| No. It's very likely the exterior shell that got damaged, not the motherboard/PCB/internal componentry.
2| Exposed tracing on the motherboard OPCB and if it's around the area where the plastic housing broke/came undone.
3| That's a relative question. You shouldn't bend them regardless.
4| Read 3.

Moved thread to Laptop Tech Support section from Components section.
2| Exposed tracing on the motherboard OPCB and if it's around the area where the plastic housing broke/came undone.
Could you try to elaborate?
That I focus on the MOBO?
Or that I focus on the parts where the housing broke?
Or that I focus on the parts where was bending the corner of the bottom cover?

3| That's a relative question. You shouldn't bend them regardless.
Would you try to come with an educated guess?
That the flat side of the PCB can bend a couple of millimetres, without being damaged?

Thank you
Laptops are tough.
I have seen badly misshapen batteries still function.
If all seems to be working, you are good.
As for:
Is there any noticeable bent or damage on the hardware, on the photos (see photos below)?

When looking thoroughly on the hardware parts, what should I look for regarding if bent og damaged?

How much can the hardware parts with printed circuit boards bend, before taking damage?

Could you try to come with your best educated guesses?

Thank you