[SOLVED] Conflict of 2.4GHz devices


Apr 19, 2022
Hello! I just bought a Redragon Horus wireless KB. and unfortunately when I try to use the wireless option it has a very-very serious lag in which 80-90% of all data (keys hit) get lost due to some serious conflict between this one and the 2 Logitech GPRO mice in the same room. Now Logitech has a neat solution for that by having custom channels in case of interference but can I somehow sort this out so I can use my keyboard as well?

Any ideas? (is this the right thread or should I post this under peripherials? :) )
Do you have a USB 2.0 port on your PC?

USB 3.0 can also interfere with 2.4ghz, which can bleed into the dongle physically.
I think I have 1 or 2 USB 2.0 on my MB. But how do you mean "bleed into it physically"? That once it's done it's done, no matter what you do, you can't revert it?
Here's a white paper from Intel, on page 16 it talks about the USB 3.0 Connector and 2.4ghz interference: https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/327216.pdf

By physically bleed, I mean noise can be picked up by the board traces and usb housing and pins itself. Then physically transfer the noise to the dongle device. It won't hurt or damage the dongle at all, it's just noise interference on the radio circuitry.
You are next level, man! I switched the dongle into one of my two USB 2.0 slots and IT WORKED! Amazing! Thank you!
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