Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (
More info?)
Keep testing. I haven't used RA extensively, but they are layered on the
same underpinnings, and I too am surprised at what you found to be a
significant difference in performance--I don't think it should be
dramatically different.
"Freebie" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the reply. I am shocked to think that it would take one to two
> hours to refresh with RA That's not going to work out. I tried Remote
> desktop just to see if I could connect and it was usable. I surprised
> there
> is such a difference in performance. Thanks again.
> Scott
> "Information Scavenger" <> wrote in message
>> From what I have read about your earlier posts - it sounds as if you
>> Remote desktop connection is a more permanent solution... it is very
>> nice and convenient for you to connect to a machine that has REMOTE
>> DESKTOP SETUP provided you know the IP address or have a DNS name to
>> connect to. However, on dialup, you would need her to give you her IP
>> address each time...and then when you connect, she gets booted to her
>> logon screen and cannot see anything you are doing or has no way of
>> knowing if you are done (unless she has another phone line or you
>> initiate a disconnect so you can call her and tell her you are done).
>> REMOTE ASSISTANCE is the button you click on from MSN or WINDOWS
>> messenger...she would tell her messenger to ask you for
>> assistance...then you would accept and connect... however, even on
>> cable modem this has proven to be slower than REMOTE DESKTOP in most
>> cases...
>> one thing I have seen when using REMOTE ASSISTANCE is that if she has
>> a popup blocker on her PC it could be disconnecting you by not
>> displaying all of the dialog boxes to her that she needs to be able to
>> accept.
>> But if she is on dialup, I'd say you would both be much happier just
>> trying to walk her thru it over the phone or go there
>> yourself...(after all, mothers love it when we come and visit hehe).
>> I have used various REMOTE CONTROL methods for years and I absolutely
>> refuse to do any over dialup anymore...its just too unbearable...but
>> if you MUST chose one method, I would suggest using REMOTE ASSITANCE
>> from the messenger and that way she can see what you do - perhaps
>> learn something herself...and you can initiate chat and talk with her
>> while you do things... but as for it freezing, I'd say give it another
>> hour or two and you may see the screen refresh...that sounds normal
>> for connecting to anyone on dialup that I've ever seen

>> My mom is getting up in her years and I just have to go fix hers
>> manually because she lives in a location between cable zones and they
>> cannot even get cable tv (she uses a satelite) and DSL is not
>> available yet due to out-dated phone lines. And she could pay $600
>> and then $100 a month to get high speed internet thru her satellite
>> hehe...but who wants to do that. Your best bet is to tell your mother
>> its worth her while to get high speed internet and then you would all
>> be happier hehe...
>> On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 09:09:10 -0400, "Freebie" <>
>> wrote:
>> > credentialed myself to provide remote
>> >access. I also created passwords for her account and mine, and created a
>> >password on my machine where I am the only user. So far this hasn't
>> >help.
>> >While I was at her machine I was able to use Remote Desktop to access my
>> >machine. The woman is more than 80 years old. She has been using a PC
> since
>> >the DOS days and I give
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