[SOLVED] Connect two ethernet cables to one ethernet port ?


Mar 30, 2020
Hi thanks in advance for any help,

I currently have two different routers in my house and I want to be able to switch between the two ethernet cables on my computer seamlessly without having to constantly switch the cables as my computer only has 1 ethernet port (i have gigabit internet and wouldn't want to lose any speed as well) and yes i know im being lazy i could just easily switch which cable is plugged in but I heard that there is some sort of switch I could use to have both plugged in and just hit a button or knob to switch which ethernet was being used? Sorry for any bad wording
You might try the method some people that have 2 internet connections and want to attempt to use both at the same time. It can be a little tedious if you want to do something complex.

So first step is to decide which router is your main usage router. That one you let run like normal. Let say it uses IP address

The second router you assign some IP that is outside the scope of the first one. Lets say but it can be any address that router 1 will not give to another machine.
Next you disable the DHCP server function on the second router.
Next you plug a cable between the lan ports of router 1 and router 2.

You can connect your pc to either router lan port.

At this point everything will function as if...


Hi thanks in advance for any help,

I currently have two different routers in my house and I want to be able to switch between the two ethernet cables on my computer seamlessly without having to constantly switch the cables as my computer only has 1 ethernet port (i have gigabit internet and wouldn't want to lose any speed as well) and yes i know im being lazy i could just easily switch which cable is plugged in but I heard that there is some sort of switch I could use to have both plugged in and just hit a button or knob to switch which ethernet was being used? Sorry for any bad wording
There is no seamless way to switch cables. Anytime you disconnect an ethernet cable, the port has to autonegotiate and possibly do a DHCP request.
Can I ask what causes you to want to swap cables? VPN router vs non-VPN?


Mar 30, 2020
1 Router is very high download speed but pretty unreliable pingwise however the other has crappy download speed but realiable low ping so i need the 2nd one for playing games etc and the other one for downloading/uploading


May 11, 2008
This is what I did more than a decade ago when I had two ADSL connections - a 4Mbps line with 2.5GB monthly data cap and 1Mbps with unlimited data. I put in an extra network card in addition to the built-in one and switched between the two from the Taskbar. The faster card for browsing and the slower uncapped one for large downloads. Not seamless but it worked for me.
You might try the method some people that have 2 internet connections and want to attempt to use both at the same time. It can be a little tedious if you want to do something complex.

So first step is to decide which router is your main usage router. That one you let run like normal. Let say it uses IP address

The second router you assign some IP that is outside the scope of the first one. Lets say but it can be any address that router 1 will not give to another machine.
Next you disable the DHCP server function on the second router.
Next you plug a cable between the lan ports of router 1 and router 2.

You can connect your pc to either router lan port.

At this point everything will function as if you only had the main primary router.

What you now can do is use the ROUTE command as your magic button to switch between the connections.

First command to do is

route print

This is so you know what it looks like in default mode.

Now to change say from router 1 to route 2 you would do

route delete
Route add mask

To go back you would do

route delete
route add mask

Now you really want to get fancy you can leave the defualt route ie set to the primary route and put in a list of specific server ip you want to use the second. This will be a pain if you have a lot of addresses. You need to study the route command a bit to make sure you get the mask right and you likely will want to use the persistance option so you don't have to redo this every time you reboot.