Hi, I would like to get 6 such fans for my case:
0.4 A | 5 V
My motherboard has 2 ARGB (JRainbow) headers. According to the manual:
"The JRAINBOW connector supports up to 75 LEDs WS2812B Individually Addressable RGB LED strips (5V/Data/Ground) with the maximum power rating of 3A (5V). In the case of 20% brightness, the connector supports up to 200 LEDs."
So... if I make 2 pairs of serially linked 3 fans and connect each pair of three to its own JRainbow connector, will that work? Will it be safe? (according to the specs/manuals of course, because nothing can be guaranteed to be safe)
The electrical intensity (amperage) in each header will be 3*0.4 = 1.2A, so lower than the 3A of the header, right?

P12 PWM PST A-RGB | 120 mm A-RGB PWM-Lüfter mit Kabelsplitter | ARCTIC
ACFAN00231A | ARCTICs Semi-passive A-RGB Lfter mit 0-Dezibel-Modus. Ab jetzt in den Farben: weiß und schwarz sowie im Value Pack erhältlich | Kostenloser Versand in Deutschland | Schnelle Abwicklung im ARCTIC Webshop | ARCTIC Store

0.4 A | 5 V
My motherboard has 2 ARGB (JRainbow) headers. According to the manual:
"The JRAINBOW connector supports up to 75 LEDs WS2812B Individually Addressable RGB LED strips (5V/Data/Ground) with the maximum power rating of 3A (5V). In the case of 20% brightness, the connector supports up to 200 LEDs."
So... if I make 2 pairs of serially linked 3 fans and connect each pair of three to its own JRainbow connector, will that work? Will it be safe? (according to the specs/manuals of course, because nothing can be guaranteed to be safe)
The electrical intensity (amperage) in each header will be 3*0.4 = 1.2A, so lower than the 3A of the header, right?