Question Connecting the SATA cables ?

Jul 20, 2024
Hi all. I'm attempting my first pc upgrade. I've bought parts and am swapping the mobo, cpu & ram. However I'm not sure where to plug the SATA cables into. There's 6 ports and 2 cables I need to connect, does it matter as to which ports they go into? I've had a look on Yt but can't find an answer to my question there specifically.
Thanks in advance.


What motherboard is it?

It doesn't matter which sata port you use these days in terms of performance, not like back in the day where you could have multiple sata controllers, main chipset controller and another third party controller. The chipset controller ports would start at port #0 to however many it had. It Didn't really matter though but sometimes io latency from boot drive was better using first sata port, the one with the lowest number.

Check manual on sata specifications. If it specifies motherboard chipset as the only controller and no additional other then can use any of them. If you plan on using an M2 ssd check manual because one or two sata ports can be disabled, usually 5 and 6.
Jul 20, 2024
What motherboard is it?

It doesn't matter which sata port you use these days in terms of performance, not like back in the day where you could have multiple sata controllers, main chipset controller and another third party controller. The chipset controller ports would start at port #0 to however many it had. It Didn't really matter though but sometimes io latency from boot drive was better using first sata port, the one with the lowest number.

Check manual on sata specifications. If it specifies motherboard chipset as the only controller and no additional other then can use any of them. If you plan on using an M2 ssd check manual because one or two sata ports can be disabled, usually 5 and 6.
Hiya. Thanks for responding. It's an ASRock H97M Pro4. I've been through the manual and it just seems to state that they all provide for data transfer. I guess I'll just aim for 0 & 1 and that should hopefully be ok.
(I was unable to see how to attach an image to reply)
Jul 20, 2024
Looked at the manual as well, there's no mention of another controller so you're good to use any of them but yeah 0 and 1 is what I'd do too for piece of mind.
Hey mate, just thought I'd give an update. I've managed to get pc completely up and running today. I'd call it my first proper upgrade for a pc since all I did previously was Ram upgrades. Took a few goes to get it going but got there in the end. Happy times.
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