Question Consistent BSOD Crashes

Feb 5, 2021
Hey! I just installed another two sticks of Corsair CMK16GX4M2D300C16W Vengeance LPX 16 GB totaling 32GB.
I am running these on D.O.C.P. on an Asus B450-F ROG so that I can achieve the 3000Mhz advertised on the box. However, since installing them I have been dealing with BSOD crashes, in particular these two:

- "Paged fault in non paged area"

- "APC Index Mismatch"

From youtube I saw a comment, someone said that if the ram runs at 1.35v try to run it at 1.36v -1.37v and it will be more stable, I haven't done that yet but another opinion on that would be great.

I'm not 100% sure that it is my ram at fault but searches lead me to believe this, any help is appreciated thank you!


seems like it might of been a driver issue with my Intel I211 network card or my GPU which I have both since updated but i'm not entirely sure if it is fixed yet.
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

When you mention installing another two sticks did you buy the same stick of ram as your prior two? Which BISO version are you currently on for your motherboard? Which version of Windows 10 are you working with?