Console with most/best rpg's


Jun 8, 2007
I bought the ps3 in hopes that new final fantasy would be out by now by the looks of things it MIGHT be out by 2010 by the look of things.

Ps3 has VERY little games i'm interested in i like rpg's then rts so what console has this?.


Already played these and finished them....anything on a pc i have already played.
Theres no chance you have played every RPG available for the PC. Lets list a few 😀

Early Eldar Scrolls
Mass Effect

just a few of my faves 😀
best console for RPGs? thats easy PS2....just think it has..

Final Fantasy 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,10x2
Kingdom Hearts(all of them)
Balders Gate 2( i think im correct here, not sure though)

and a load more, and remember it plays PS1 games too.

Finished all those ages ago.........

also have them all and finished them ages ago........
Ok you need one of the below:

A job
A girlfriend
A 10000 piece jigsaw

because you have waaaaay too much time on your hands!
How does one finish Warcraft / TQ anyhoo?
Haha I was wondering that myself, pr2thej. Isn't World of Warcraft supposed to potentially last...forever? And one run-through of Titan Quest doing all the side-quests can take up to 40 hours! I've done three real run-throughs, with enough pieces of extra questing to count for a fourth, and I've clocked like 6 days' worth of play time on that bad boy. SUCH a timesink, but a fun one! If you add up all the time it takes to finish these games techguy911 claims to have's like a few years or something! Lol.

PS2 doesn't play Baldur's Gate 2 (wouldn't that have been cool though).

It plays Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1&2, which are not bad by hack'n'slash standards.
They sport great co-op modes and have surprisingly good graphics.


Just smacked up Typhon on Epic for the first time. The next 15 farm runs yielded exactly the same number of purples as the rest of the game :cry:
Defo great waste of time though...wonder if anyone has maxed all 36 classes.
I did manage to "finish" WoW for about 2 months by clearing all the PvE but i spose i didnt truly complete it as i was lacking some s4.
+1 to all the old-schoolers out there

megadrive has shining force and phatasy star series both quality, story of thor was decent and landstalker? was good apart from the fact you couldnt go in the brothel in the european version....

snes has zeldas, im still blown away by how good link to the past was, i get a little chill when i see the tri-force shards spin onto the screen when you first turned it on.... also secret of mana was brilliant
YES! chrono Trigger! you beat me to it dog :) . Definitely the snes, plus you dont have to buy one, just get an emulaor and hook your pc up to a tv :). Or do like i have, a hacked xbox 1 with every nes, snes and n64 game ever made (ultimate gaming box!)

Oh and as for FF13 wait till it comes out and if its halfway decent (doubtful) then just pick up a second-hand 360 to play it on and then sell it once your done 😉
I picked up a bargain bin Fable: Lost Chapters over the weekend and am enjoying that again. I played the original on Xbox but never looked at the xpac.

RTS is definetely PC. No even questions about.
RPG, and MMORPG is also PC, in terms of number of games.
May be some outstanding RPGs like zelda are missing from PC, but then you have to look at particular game that you like to decide which and if you go with console.

Consoles are best for platformers, sports and driving. For FPS, RTS, MORPG and to less extend RPG you want PC.

You fotget the Xenosaga series...the Persona series (Megami Tensi for you japanese fans 😀). Heck, even Draqon Quest VIII was a good game (a bit predictable, but fun non-the-less). Star Ocean 3 (i think thats the one on the PS2...forget its sub-title) might be worth looking at too, if you prefer more control over your actions.

If your interested in a more JRPG style, there was recently a english translation of Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (PSX game) done, although unless you watch a LOT of old anime and read up on the prequal game, you would probably be lost...

And for the record, I refuse to call games like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect RPG's. Maybe its because I grew up on the Draqon Quest series...