So... the last couple of days a got occasional BSOD during the day. Maybe two per day. At first, I ignored it, but the next day it happened also. I figured that it could be the latest windows update. I tried recovering an old image but it failed. I was able to boot into windows and uninstall the update. The issue with the BSOD continued so it wasn't windows' fault.
The issue became worse. After booting and logging into windows it crashed with a BSOD. Sometimes immediately, some times after 5 minutes.
I tried repairing startup, it BSOD'd.
Then I tried to boot from USB that I had installed windows on this PC 6 months ago. I got BSOD.
I updated BIOS. Still the same BSOD crashes.
I figured that it was a hardware issue. So i opened up my case and tried checking RAMs first. Single ram check, changed the DIMM, BSOD. I isolated the rest of the system from my 2 ssd's by unplugging them and trying to boot to USB; got the same BSODs. Got rid of my Graphics Card and used the on board HDMI for display, i still got BSOD. Resitted all the power cables, still BSOD. Cleared CMOS, nothing changed.
So, I believe it's something wrong with the motherboard, or the CPU. I don't believe it's the power supply.
The BSOD errors I got were different almost every time, but there was one from those 10 errors that appeared:
My build:
i9 9900k
Asus Rog Strix z390-e
G.Skill Tridentz 8GB x2 3200Mhz
750 Watt Power Supply
No OC. Everything on default values.
If you have any ideas as to what the hell is going on fell free to post. From the little research I've done, it seems people who have similar issues with me it's caused by the CPU.
The issue became worse. After booting and logging into windows it crashed with a BSOD. Sometimes immediately, some times after 5 minutes.
I tried repairing startup, it BSOD'd.
Then I tried to boot from USB that I had installed windows on this PC 6 months ago. I got BSOD.
I updated BIOS. Still the same BSOD crashes.
I figured that it was a hardware issue. So i opened up my case and tried checking RAMs first. Single ram check, changed the DIMM, BSOD. I isolated the rest of the system from my 2 ssd's by unplugging them and trying to boot to USB; got the same BSODs. Got rid of my Graphics Card and used the on board HDMI for display, i still got BSOD. Resitted all the power cables, still BSOD. Cleared CMOS, nothing changed.
So, I believe it's something wrong with the motherboard, or the CPU. I don't believe it's the power supply.
The BSOD errors I got were different almost every time, but there was one from those 10 errors that appeared:
My build:
i9 9900k
Asus Rog Strix z390-e
G.Skill Tridentz 8GB x2 3200Mhz
750 Watt Power Supply
No OC. Everything on default values.
If you have any ideas as to what the hell is going on fell free to post. From the little research I've done, it seems people who have similar issues with me it's caused by the CPU.
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