Question Convert/Save .webp images automatically to .jpeg/jpg images, when saving web pages in Chrome/Firefox.

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Sep 26, 2010
I have searched across since last few days, but could not find a solution. I want to save web pages which displays images as .webp converting those to .jpg automatically and send to OneNote app.

At present it is quite tedious to go and convert each and every webp image to jpg first and then edit the same again in OneNote, takes lot of time for webpages with many webp images.

Is there any solution where .webp image extension can be automatically converted to .jpg/png . when the webpage is displayed and those webp images can get displayed in one note as jpg/png etc. (as .webp images are not supported by onenote) ?
Thank You.
i did test it, keyboard shortcuts doesnt work, but ui paste works
here some random webp image
right click it to copy image

then in one note right click empty space and under paste options select Image (U)
Can you kindly confirm, did you meant manually copy/paste all images into onenote ? or something else.
clipper should be able to insert all images from web
you maybe missing some image extensions as the webp isnt just single picture format, it can be compressed with different methods like with VP8 (video format)

can you post some webpage which doesnt work with clipper?
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