Question Converting RX570 from mining GPU to normal GPU


Jan 21, 2019

I recently brought an rx570 mining card, trying to switch it back to a functioning GPU. Several issues,

Issue 1: The Rom files save as Rom file but show up as internet explorer, is this an issue that's not allowing me to restore the bios?

Issue 2; I used this bios link to restore, is this not allowing me to restore the bios because it's not an official bios that have been checked by techpowerup? I've tried other 570 bios, but they don't work, says mismatch.

Thanks for your help.
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What OS are you working with? Those icons look like you're on Internet Explorer 8/ before Windows 10 came to be. When saving the ROM file, what do you see as the save dialog box appears? A screenshot of the window/box will be a good indication of how you're saving. The column where the filetype is stated shows ROM file though.

Also, what is the make and model of your particular version of the RX580? A link to the GPU would help us two fold.

Might want to read through this thread and the solution in said thread.
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