Are graphics cards just going to get bigger, noisier, heavier and hotter for the forseeable future, or do people think we'll see Nvidia/ATI go through the same phase as AMD have already and Intel are just thinking of doing?
I'm a bit miffed after building a PC for a customer which is a damn sight quieter than mine (, and is a cooler/quieter/faster system, and I think the reason is the graphics card - his being a Quadro 4 380XGL that doesn't have a fan and doesn't spew out heat, and mine being a GeForce 4 Ti4200 (otherwise the specs and hardware in use is extremely similar).
I'm a bit miffed after building a PC for a customer which is a damn sight quieter than mine (, and is a cooler/quieter/faster system, and I think the reason is the graphics card - his being a Quadro 4 380XGL that doesn't have a fan and doesn't spew out heat, and mine being a GeForce 4 Ti4200 (otherwise the specs and hardware in use is extremely similar).