Core i3 versus atom



Hello, i am looking for a good quality netbook and am wondering if there is a REAL difference between those with Atom processors and those with Core i3 or i5...can anyone suggest a netbook that is small/light enough to carry yet with a screen that isn't so small that it'll lead to eventual blindness?!?! maybe a 11 or 12 inch?? can anyone out there PLEASE help me?!?
^Ya can't. Hah.

Atom is all that is in netbooks. Core i3/i5 goes in laptops.

Atom is mainly for UMIDs, access for internet and other basic tasks. Core i3/i5 is for normal computing, entry level.

If you want a netbook you can only get them with Atom. Unless there are some Zambezie ones out now but haven't seen them yet.
There have been a few reviews of some of the Core 2 ultra-low-voltage processors. List of CPUs here. They're 10W TDP CPUs.

Here's a recent THWG article: here.

They usually range between $400 and $500... instead of a netbook's $200-350 range. They usually have an optical drive... slightly larger/higher resolution screens... no 2GB RAM limit (like Atom CPU). Generally much more computing power... better than $500 notebook... but not as good as a netbook battery life.

It might be worth looking at to see if it meets your needs. Notebook/Laptops are always a balance of computing power... battery life... portability. Good luck!
Look at and select laptops then thin and light for various 13" screen laptops. The difference between atom and i3/i5 is atom is very cheap very low power and very low performance while i3 & i5 even mobile versions are very powerful compared to atom.

Sorry dude, not so. The best low-price chip for a netbook is the AMD Fusion E-450. Even the E-350 is better than any Intel Atom chip.

But you can also get a great netbook with an i3. Buy it directly from HP. Fantastic little machine for only $500. It's the HP dm1-4170. If they would sell it in ruby red, I'd buy one today. I'm waiting for them to offer the ruby red color, the same way they offer the dm1z in ruby red. Exactly the same machine, everything, except the dm1z has the AMD chip in it. The "z" also costs about $100 less than the "4170".

The dm1z can be customized on HP's website, whereas the dm1-4170 comes stock packaged. No customizing at all. Fantastic package, but I want ruby red, not charcoal color.

I think I'll call HP on the phone tomorrow and see if I can't actually get the dm1-4170 in ruby red like I want. Who knows. Can't hurt trying.

Here's the answer to your wish. And what a great little machine this is!

Furthermore, you can get an additional $25 off the already $100 discount that HP gives you by adding the coupon "SAVE25HP" into the coupon field of the shopping cart when ready to check out.

That brings the price down to $475, with free shipping, but then HP charges sales tax regardless of where you live, so probably add back in $35 for tax.
Oh, one more thing. These 11.6" netbooks by HP allow for the adding of a 2nd Dimm chip. They come with 4GB already on a single Dimm. So you buy a 2nd Dimm from NewEgg or Amazon for only $21 (far below the $120 HP wants for an extra 4GB DDR3 Dimm) and install it yourself. VERY EASY TO DO. Now, you have an i3 netbook with HD 3000 graphic chip on the motherboard, pretty great display resolution 1333 x 768 (standard nowadays), with 8GB RAM! Running Windows 7 64-bit OS, and a nice WiFi b/g/n card. You're set to go!