Corsair A70? Asus P7P55D-E plugs???


Oct 14, 2009
Hey guys, I just installed the corsair A70 onto a i7-860 which is on a Asus P7P55D-E Pro MOBO,

I am having trouble figuring out which fan plugs should be plugged into which fan header?

Mainly with the corsair A70 CPU cooler, it has two fans which i replaced with two LOGISYS Computer SF120 120mm Extreme Quiet Rubber Fan that plug into a splitter that i have plugged into the 4pin cpu header, however right next to that header there is anther 4pin headder called channel fan1..

I have the corsair sniper case with the fan controller taken out, i did not like the way that was set up, so i have the top, side, and front fans running and connected to molex connectors, i dont care about lights....

the rear fan is a XIGMATEK Cooling System XLF XLF-F1255 120mm Power Management Case Fan PSU Molex Adapter/extender included... i have that plugged into the 4pin channel header with out the molex adapter....

So im really not sure the proper way to get this set up, i know this MOBO has a function called Q-fan and in the BIOS it cant read one of the fans and i think it has something to do with the way i have the corsair A70 Fans hooked up, which again are these

LOGISYS Computer SF120 120mm Extreme Quiet Rubber Fan

and the exaust fan is this one, which you will see does come with a molex connector which im not usring right now

Any help in understanding the proper way to get the MOBO to read these fans would be great!

Thanks all,

Hello I would suggest you use the fan headers on your motherboard, that way you can monitor your fan speeds and temps. Consult your motherboard manual, for which headers to use to use CPU_FAN is for plug on the a70 qfan etc. Use HWID to see these readings on your desktop

Looks like this..

Hi there, thanks for your time in responding to my question...i will download HWID for sure, however even after reading my MOBOs manuel i still cant figure out which fan should be plugged into the other 4 pin channel fan, then there are the other 3 pin headers which i figure ill plug the front fan and the side fan into (or the top fan) but what has me is the second 4 pin header that is located right next to the cpu fan header?

Also can i plug a two pin fan plug into a 3 pin header on the MOBO?
Again the MOBO i have is the asus P7P55D-E Pro.

Thanks for any and all help!

CPU fan into cpu fan (below the cpu on left)
# CHA_FAN_1 header (can be used on any fans 4 PIN CAN BE USED WITH 3 PIN FANS)


Uploaded with
Check the Asus documentation for the capacity of the CPU Fan mobo header .... On Asus enthusiast boards like the Rampage, it's 2 amps which is more than enough. But when ya stick twin 4 pin fans with PWM speed control on a cooler, you need a special PWM splitter.

Akasa PWM AK-CB002

As for the rest of the fan headers, the purpose of these is very well described in the Asus Manual. On the Rampage MoBos for example, there's 8 fan headers:

1 CPU Fan (4 pin) .... all others are 3 pin.
1 PWR Fan
3 Chassis Fans (aka case fans)
3 Other fans which are linked to temperature sensors

Thanks again for responding, The Top, Front, and side fans each have a molex connector, and a 2pin plug? I have the cooler master SNIPER case
...I could replace the side fan with two 120mm fans, which would then give me 3pin plugs?

Im really just unsure what the 4pin chan1 fan header is for which is located right next to the cpu fan? did i mention i have the corsair A70 cpu cooler with two fans which are plugged into a splitter which is then plugged into the one cpu fan header.

Thank you for your help with this...I just want to make sure iv got things proper, and the MOBO has that Q-fan Technology which i belive is not working correctly on acount of how iv got the fans hooked up?

Happy Holidays!!

Ok so I have a sniper as well,all the 200mm fans are 3 pin and they are controlled by the case fan controller. You can use the splitter from the 2 CPU fan on the CPU_fan header (I don't believe the bios will read he rpm properly though)
You can plug one fan lead to CPU_fan and one into the header next to it CHA_FAN.

As far as the case fans the top and front fans you can plug together. The side 200 you can use a cha_fan header or run the 3rd molex (each moles has a jumper to connect the next fan power)and 3 pin fan connector If there is a 2 pin it will connect to a 3 for the fan, across he top of he 5.25 bay to the side where the 200 panel fan is (that's what I did )

Ahh okay, that is where my main question and concern is directed, the two headers right below the cpu...

So you think i should disconnect the splitter from the corsair A70 and connect one fan; which is connected to the cooler, to the 4 pin cpu header, and the second fan (on the cooler) to the second 4 pin channel 1 fan?

Also since you also have the snipper may i ask how you have your fans blowing? Someone suggested that i should make the top fan blow down, the side fan blow in the front fan blow in and the rear fan blow out...while the A70 is pushing the air from front to back through the cooler? I dont think that this set up is a wise idea, but then again i can see the idea behind this set up.....

Also i took out the fan controller which is connected to the snipper....i felt all those wires just got in the way, and i didnt use the controller, i also dont care for the now i have the 3 200mm fans which each have a 2pin plug and a molex connetor...right now i simplly have the three 200mm fans running via the molex connections, i do not have them plugged into the MOBO on account of the wire being 2pin and each header on the MOBO 3pin.

See what i mean?

Thanks so much for your help, it truly is appreciated!

I had my sniper as the front fan blowing to the back, the side fan blowing in, and the top fan blowing up (out of the top) I think the a70 fans should blow from the front to the back of the case. Airflow in the sniper is good so you wont have heat issues.

As far as the cpu fans there is no harm in taking the splitter off. The advantage you will have is with a program like HWID you can see each fan speed, as opposed to using the splitter you are not going to get a "true reading"