Corsair Announces Recall of Force 3 SSD 128GB

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I guess its sort of lucky that I did not purchase on yet as I have been planning to but never got around to it. Exactly the size I wished to purchase too. Corsair still has my respect and I will still be making said purchase in the near future.
"This is our fault." Now that is refreshing. OCZ is having massive problems with their SandForce 2000-based drives and have opened several stickies in the forum asking owners to test and reinstall with other tests trying desperately to make the product work. They say the issue Corsair has doesn't affect OCZ drives because OCZ is special. Just visit the OCZ forum and look at all the threads reporting problems (before OCZ deletes them).

The problem here is beta testing. OCZ has a tight knit club of "elite" technically inclined fellows who beta test the products and participate in the "elite" forum. This group continually fails to test properly.
OCZ doesn't admit to their faulty vertex 2... thats why i go with Intel ssd's. Intel extended their warranties on their SSD's.. for performance and reliability.. intel gets my money.
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]I guess its sort of lucky that I did not purchase on yet as I have been planning to but never got around to it. Exactly the size I wished to purchase too. Corsair still has my respect and I will still be making said purchase in the near future.[/citation]
Same here, I was bout to pick one up but luckily, decided to wait a few days to see the reviews. Thank god I did because everyone was reporting errors. If the new wave of reviews are good, I'm gonna hop on board with this ssd, i love corsair
[citation][nom]ironmb[/nom]OCZ doesn't admit to their faulty vertex 2... thats why i go with Intel ssd's[/citation]

Oh... I just replaced my Corsair X128 because it failed, now I'm hearing the Vertex 2 is faulty? I just got one of those!
If it were NVIDIA they would have kept it quiet and we wouldn't hear about it unless there's a class action lawsuit brought against them !

Good to see there are some honest companies around.
Does this apply to all the Corsair Force 3 120gb SSDs or only a certain number of them?

They said it was the Corsair part number CSSD-F120GB3-BK though I don't know if all of them are or just like a specific patch.
[citation][nom]Fantasticles[/nom]Does this apply to all the Corsair Force 3 120gb SSDs or only a certain number of them?They said it was the Corsair part number CSSD-F120GB3-BK though I don't know if all of them are or just like a specific patch.[/citation]
"CSSD-F60GBG3-BK, CSSD-F240GBG3-BK, and Force GT are NOT affected by this issue." -Corsair's reply

only the 120gb version is affected. if u got the 60 or 240, ur good.
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]now how many of you are am i going to fully delete all the porn...wait i can't, lol[/citation]

Actually you can, altho not a secure wipe the trim will clean up the data pretty well...
SSD's are overpriced no matter which brand, this article just game me another reason to wait for prices to drop (TRULY DROP) and now for them to resolve all the issues that people are complaining about.
Corsair: Ah crap we effed up. My bad.

OCZ: You obviously screwed something up. Here's a massive ten page forum to solve your own problems.
Just echoing the sentiments of alot of the posters here, I'm rapidly becoming a Corsair fan. Not many companies act as honestly and admirably as they do. I've just bought Corsair products for the first time in my latest PC build and I will continue to do so in the future.
Way to step up and take your lumps like a respectable company Corsair. I've been using their memory products for many many years. The few times I have ever had to deal with them has always been a trouble-free experience with fast turnaround times for replacements. Once it wasn't even their products fault but they offered to replace anyway. Good company, good policy.

@more_questions: I really don't think beta testing was to blame. Look at the trouble Intel had with their earlier SSD products. The technology is not perfect yet, expect issues. At least this company is honest enough about it and pick up shipping to boot.
Wow Corsair. I've always been a huge fan of your PSUs and RAM but have not purchased any of your other products.

Because of this gesture I will go out of my way to purchase Corsair SSDs, cases and coolers whenever possible for my own builds as well as builds for others (when they can afford the best).

What a rock solid company. How refreshing in this day and age.
"This is our fault" Thumb up for this acknowledgment. Someone else would have said: "There is nothing wrong with our product. You just held it wrong" :)
This is why I'm not ready to trust a SSD drive with my data just yet. If issues like this go unnoticed through QA, imagine how hard it would be to catch something like silent data corruption or the flash cells losing their charge after 2 years...
[citation][nom]it can happen[/nom]"This is our fault" Thumb up for this acknowledgment. Someone else would have said: "There is nothing wrong with our product. You just held it wrong"[/citation]

+1 I like to hear a company admit that they're at fault in something like this. I'll give business to Corsair just for this when I have a need for one of their products. See corporations!? Admitting fault when you screw up draws business!
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