Corsair HX620W in 2018?

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Oct 15, 2018
Hey guys! I am currently building a Ryzen 3 build (A very budget build to re-use my HD7950 since I got a cheap GTX680 that is also working but with 4GB of RAM) and I'd like to give it to my girlfriend.

I bought a used HX620W (Yes, I know, It is very old) but it looks brand new! And it only costed me 15 euro. With such a price, and knowing this PSU used to be a beast, I thought It would be fine, but after getting it I noticed that it only has 2x6 PCIE Express and the GPU I want to use in that build requires a 1x6 + 1x8 pin (6+2) and the PSU only has 2x6 PCIE Pins.

The build is the following:
Ryzen 3 1200 (which I wanna OC to like 4.0GHz)
Msi Twin Frozr III R7950 3GB/OC (which I'd love to try to OC a lil too, to squeeze some more performance)
ASROCK AB350M Gaming K4 / MSI B350M Bazooka (one of those, still deciding)
2x4GB DDR4 RAM (Probably around 3000MHz)
SSD 120GB + SATA 7.2K
A couple fans (3x120MM probably)
A Custom watercooling loop (CPU only, 1 pump, 1 240 rad with 2x120mm fans)
A couple led strips
Leave room for possible future OC or small upgrades (ryzen 3 to ryzen 5 in the next gen, etc)
WIth this said, I have the following questions:

Using such an old psu, it probably has what everyone calls the 'drop of wattage capability' as it ages, it provides less wattage than it was able initially.
This model seems to be from 2006 so that's like 12 years old. Even though it looks brand new. Is there anyway to see the manufacturing date of a PSU? Is the drop that hard? The psu, supposedly is able to carry out 3x18A in the 12V rail.

The PSU only has 2x6 PCIE but I need a 8 pin (6+2). Could I use a 6 pin PCIE to 6+2 pin PCIE cable or a 2x molex to 6+2 PCIE? Are those safe?

Should I try to cost losses in the HX620W (I have a friend who will take it for the same price I paid) and shell out a little more for a brand new PSU? I don't mind used hardware, but PSUs are one of those things that just .... you understand I hope. In this case, any budget PSU that you could recommend me for that build?



Thumb rule with PSU's if it doesn't have the connectors for it, you shouldn't use it.

You say it looks brand new, but was it used? If the latter, how many years was it used for and what sort of taxation did the PSU go through? I'd rather invest in a PSU that was brand new with today's standards instead of investing in a PSU that would inspire worry at every boot up.

Where are you located?
Oct 15, 2018

I am from Portugal, so any europe shop should be fine (and I can also search the model later in my country).

I have some pictures from the PSU. The warranty seal is still in place, so It was not open to be cleaned inside and it looks to not have almost any dust in the fan/inside.

The seller says he bought it around 1 year ago, but the model is way older, so I'm not sure if he got it from a old stock shop or something.

Pictures below:



Seems to have some scuffs on the edges and the sticker seems to be peeling of from age. I honestly would not risk it and use it. It also does not have the connectors and buying adapters should just never be done as that is just asking for disaster to happen.

Something simple and cheap like a seasonic s12II 520w (they are older but have the connectors and due to their age they can be found quite cheaply but are high quality) should do the job.
Oct 15, 2018

I see! Well, I don't see how adapters could be a problem. Isn't the PCIE 6+2 pin standard just 2 extra grounds that in most cases are even connected to the same common ground as the 6 pin? Just the AWG should be higher due to the extra current?

Anyways, I think I'll just resell it to my friend and look for a new one?

EDIT: Is a Seasonic S12II 520W enough for the system (with headroom for OC/possible upgrades?) found one for around 35€(shipped) used, which I could still try to lower.


Don't get a used psu who knows what these have been through and don't trust the sellers saying it was only used for x amount of time lightly because they can easily be lying to you. Any site you use so I can look for a good one? Since the S12II 520w sells for 40€ new normally with a 5 year warranty.
Oct 15, 2018

You can look around here: /

I saw the Kolink brand, which seems highly trusted by

But you can look around there!
This one should be plenty.
Oct 15, 2018

Would it really be a bad idea to get a used one? I could get a seasonic S12II 520 for 30€ with 1 year use and 4 years of warranty (with the brand) and still 1 year warranty with the store, with the corresponding invoice of the store (that same store you linked).

It would be around half the savings of buying that one... Think I should just buy it new, even with all those guarantees?

You always can but me personally I won't do it ever again. I've had a couple incidents before and don't want to risk a system with a used psu no matter how good it's supposed to be.
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