Hi guys, so a few weeks back I had the corsair CX750M 80 + Bronze psu, and it started to make a weird random clicking noise (even when the pc was off and the psu had the switch on). I read almost every post on this forum about this and decided to contact the seller because most of them sad it was dangerous. I received Corsair TX750M 80 + gold in exchange (payed the difference) and it made the same noise as soon as I turned the pc on. I don't want to contact them again because this psu is not in stock, and I can't really wait now because of work. I would like to know if it's safe to use it with that noise (some people said that this can cause the psu to explode), and if this is normal in corsair's psu. The noise is not loud, took me sometime to realize, but now it's almost impossible not to hear it. I don't think it's coil whine , because i have a gpu that has it, and the sound is very different (althought i do not know if coil whine in psu's sound the same). This is the sound:
ps: the noise continues with the switch off somethimes, so I have to unplug it from the socket. And somethimes the noise disapears, even when under heavy load.
ps: the noise continues with the switch off somethimes, so I have to unplug it from the socket. And somethimes the noise disapears, even when under heavy load.