[SOLVED] Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16GB 3600MHz Compatibility?

Oct 30, 2019
Hello, Thank you for the time you are willing to take to respond to my thread!

I recently upgraded my GPU from GTX 750 to RTX 2070 , to have over 300 fps in CSGO all the time.. I thought buying a 500€ card would just fix the fps problem but nope, it didnt. I only get a 50 fps boost in CSGO and when I see enemies or Molotov etc it drops again to 180 fps which it makes seem really not smooth at all... And I did not paid 550€ to play 180fps still in CSGO

My Components:
RTX 2070 EVGA Black
I7-9700k @ 3,60GHZ
16 GB RAM Solo 2400mhz (Overclocked to 2600mhz)
Thermaltake 600W
Asus B360M-K

Since I do not know what to upgrade to get more than 300 fps all the time I decided to replace my ram to
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16GB (2x8GB) 3600MHz

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.de/Corsair-Venge...=16gb+ddr4+3200mhz&qid=1593526084&sr=8-4&th=1

I do not know if it's a good idea to replace the RAM or not... But if it is please let me know guys if I could upgrade or if its compatible the ram I want to buy
That looks fine. Your memory is running at double the DRAM frequency shown, so 2500MHz at those timings. Take a look at the CPU and SPD tabs too so you know what else is going on.

edit: and yes your board limit is 2666MHz. Consider your Internet connection, are you using an Ethernet cable?
Hello, Thank you for the time you are willing to take to respond to my thread!

I recently upgraded my GPU from GTX 750 to RTX 2070 , to have over 300 fps in CSGO all the time.. I thought buying a 500€ card would just fix the fps problem but nope, it didnt. I only get a 50 fps boost in CSGO and when I see enemies or Molotov etc it drops again to 180 fps which it makes seem really not smooth at all... And I did not paid 550€ to play 180fps still in CSGO

My Components:
RTX 2070 EVGA Black
I7-9700k @ 3,60GHZ
16 GB RAM Solo 2400mhz (Overclocked to 2600mhz)
Thermaltake 600W
Asus B360M-K

Since I do not know what to upgrade to get more than 300 fps all the time I decided to replace my ram to
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16GB (2x8GB) 3600MHz

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.de/Corsair-Vengeance-3200MHz-Enthusiast-Lighting/dp/B07TB3R9JB/ref=sr_1_4?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=16gb+ddr4+3200mhz&qid=1593526084&sr=8-4&th=1

I do not know if it's a good idea to replace the RAM or not... But if it is please let me know guys if I could upgrade or if its compatible the ram I want to buy
What timings are you running? The CMW16GX4M2D3600C18 are speced at 2133 for 15-15-15-35 and at CL18-22-22-42 1.35V for 3600.
That looks fine. Your memory is running at double the DRAM frequency shown, so 2500MHz at those timings. Take a look at the CPU and SPD tabs too so you know what else is going on.

edit: and yes your board limit is 2666MHz. Consider your Internet connection, are you using an Ethernet cable?
That looks fine. Your memory is running at double the DRAM frequency shown, so 2500MHz at those timings. Take a look at the CPU and SPD tabs too so you know what else is going on.

edit: and yes your board limit is 2666MHz. Consider your Internet connection, are you using an Ethernet cable?

Here all u need, please let me know if they are allright View: https://imgur.com/a/xo5Zvgo

also Internet has no effect on the fps lol