Cortana Is Listening

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Don't forget their Broadcom support sucks rocks, otherwise I'd be running Mint or Elementary.


None of that is happening, and if it ever does it will only be because an Engineer convinces a executive puke that it would be revenue generating.

"Features" like that aren't installed to make your experience better, they are installed to maximize revenue streams. The purpose of all this isn't to make Windows better, the bulk of their sales is from OEM and government and those are virtually guaranteed, it's purpose is to generate data that they can then sell to other companies or use internally for better product placement. MS will be offering data services to other software companies, letting them know the metrics of utilization for software. They can sell how many users between the ages of 21 and 28 use software X for Y number of hours per day. Sell how many hours per week people are viewing certain adds or certain media. Sell any kind of metric or metadata that their dominate market position enables them to collect.

Now that itself wouldn't be bad, if it was completely anonymized with a non-reversible hash. But no, it's being stored under the name of whatever MS account it's linked to along with the unique installation ID of that system. Further you can be 100% guaranteed government agencies, federal and state, will instantly have unfettered access to all this data permanently, there is no delete function.

This observation platform and the resulting permanent non-anonymized data archival created from it presents an opportunity for federal agencies to monitor the computing actions of everyone using it. To expand from that previous MS employee standing over one shoulder watching you and writing down what your doing, imagine over the other shoulder you have ED 209.
Well of course corporate greed and stupidity will overrule engineering, that's how it works now.


I think it's a combination of people being ignorant about what's tracked, and also tech savvy people assume all cell phone use is tracked and accordingly use it for less sensitive communications and access. Previously, we could consider our desktops somewhat of a safe haven, but now Microsoft has openly violated that last vestige of privacy on the assumption that most people would just accept it.

It was an example. As in how everyone is clamoring over Microsoft for things Google has already done. People are acting like only Microsoft does this yet that article alone shows that Google is not concerned with your privacy so it is safe to assume that anything you use from Google collects data. Have you ever run a packet capture on an Android device?

ANd you are right, people have the choice not to use GMail but that doesn't make it right. Just as people have said being clean doesn't mean tracking what you do in Windows is right.

I never said it was right. I just get annoyed watching people act as if this is anything new. I have said multiple times that I hope it is changed. Personally I like 10, it is faster and smoother than 8 was. I however am not going to follow the crowd and freak out about it.

And no, DX12 wont be coming to anything lower than 10 because it is tied into WDDM 2.0 which the last time Microsoft upgraded such a core part of the OS (they upgraded Windows 7s WDDM for DX11.1) there were a ton of issues.

And I am still waiting to see if someone can give me more than "packets get sent". I want actual information on those packets to see what they pertain to and what they contain. I could make a equal claim but I prefer to back it up with real information, hence why I posted a article about privacy (which is what people are concerned about with this) and how Google does not care showing that Google will do anything to sell your data. The fact that they bypassed the DnT list alone shows that they will track and sell your data yet so far we have nothing to go on but that packets are being sent. Yet people still use Google, GMail and even better Android and Chrome.

Sorry but it is interesting how hard Microsoft is getting hammered for the same thing the others have been doing that no one seems to care.
It was an example. As in how everyone is clamoring over Microsoft for things Google has already done. People are acting like only Microsoft does this yet that article alone shows that Google is not concerned with your privacy so it is safe to assume that anything you use from Google collects data. Have you ever run a packet capture on an Android device?

And you didn't read anything I wrote ..... which explains a lot.

Nor do you read what I wrote. Both concern privacy. My example is to show what Google thinks of your privacy and shows that this is nothing new. If you use any of or have used any of Googles services, then you have already been tracked every click or tap.

If you did then you would of read this

How the heck is google reading your email the same as MS tracking every application you run on your desktop, how long you run that application, what files you open with that application and everything else you do with your computer. Those are two entirely different orders of magnitudes.

Instead of blatantly ignoring it and constructing a straw-man argument in an attempt to defend your preference for Windows 10.

We don't care if you like Windows 10, that's your choice. Don't try to convince other people "it's not really that bad".


I love how aggressive you are getting over it. Should I be the same? The "We don't care if you don't like Windows 10. Stop trying to convince others "it is really bad".

Of course I guess we cannot have a discussion about it with opposing view points, no?

It is not a straw man argument, it is an example of what has already been going on and is similar, again both concern privacy.

Oh and if you did read what I said, I do hope that more control is given to turn it off just like I also hope I get more control back of my Windows updates as I prefer that.
Of course they are collecting this data. It's called Big Data and it's used for not only advertising but home land security. I'm sure Cortana isn't available in Canada because of different laws but US? Why not. Microsoft has been co-operating with the NSA for years along with google and other big network giants. I have no Cortana nor need or want it but I'm not afraid either. Nothing to hide here : p

I have nothing to hide either, except my contacts lists,bank information,custom house plans for clients ,business tax papers, personal tax papers etc....
With all of that information from everyone who upgrades to win10, do you think Microsoft will be able to defend their network from all of the hacker groups who will be at them constantly??? Eventually someone will get in and have everything on millions or hundreds of millions of people.
I believe the number was 40 million upgrades in the first week, and most of those upgrading had no idea that all of their information on their computer would be sent to Microsoft.


This is actually something I hadn't actually thought about. I was too preoccupied being concerned at the amount of data they were gathering for advertising that I didn't even think about how they store it. Granted, services like bank sites and Paypal have our banking information already, some may have countless other bits of information, but I would expect banks to have higher security measures and containment procedures in place to avoid hacks, and if they are hacked, to minimize the fallout. With how much information Microsoft is storing, I don't feel confident in their ability to keep all of it secure. Not to mention, the vast amount of services and products they have that are linked to the web create countless more security flaws that can be exploited relative to a simple very constrained service like a bank might offer.

Their security might even be really top notch, but if information can be leaked from the CIA, it can from anyone. I'm just not comfortable with one online service of any kind holding absolutely all of this information.

I have noticed win10 still keeping tabs on my movements even not setting up Cortana.. its that artificial intel thing.. key wordings.. and google searches.. and offers to try there new word program.. again I will not try..


It doesn't instill much confidence in their ability to store it when you keep in mind that they are actively selling a lot of it to advertisers.

Pretty soon Microsoft is going to have more dirt on us than Saint Peter.

We can't continue just relying on the good will of these companies and trust that they'll be able to make the right decision about what information to collect and what's okay to sell. We need strong laws ASAP to limit what can be collected and what can be sold. Thankfully, European governments are starting to take this kind of privacy seriously, so at least they might make some headway in forcing Microsoft to limit all of this collection.

I find it funny that countries mainly run by socialism, which has already landed a few in trouble economically, are concerned with their citizens privacy considering socialist countries spy even worse.

I guess we will see what happens there.
Cortana does not listing to all you say. Right there next to the Windows logo is the search bar run by Cortana with a microphone. You have to hit the microphone to speak to Cortana. She is not spying on you. Yes, she gather information to provide a better service to you on what you like or are interested. They provide some of this information to third party because if you are looking for shoes, Microsoft does not sell shoes, other companies do. Knowing you are looking for shoes is the information she is gather to improve the service for you. Cortana is not hearing what you are saying unless you speak directly to her by pressing the microphone logo. It's not active gathering information about you. You need to provide this.

On the other hand Google do actively gather your information all the time you use Gmail, Google, Chrome Browser, Calendar, Android and all Google service for selling it. That is the way Google makes money. They don't sell computers, they don't sell OS or Office Suite, or phone like Apple or Microsoft. Google makes money by gathering as much information about you and sell it. Big difference here.
If your really paranoid maybe encrypt everything and keep it on a Hard Drive in docking station. I'm sure they don't upload all your personal documents just your browsing history, search queries and what ever you schedule with Cortana. There is also the option to not save your passwords in firefox and all others.
This is too much! All the people who want Cortana so it can tell you your phone is ringing? And you can't remember an appointment? You are not among the people being dumbed down, you are already dumbed down! Cortana is nothing more than a branch of the NSA that it sifting your info every minute of your sad life.

I do agree to a point but remember people happily use online banking and various other things that collect and store a lot of personal data.

And so far, Microsoft has yet to have a massive data breach like some banks, Sony or even Google.

You assume that people who would benefit from something like Cortona have only a few appointments? You must not have seen a top level employee of a company that has multiple appointments every day.

And I can tell you from experience that it does not hurt to be reminded when you have something to do, especially on a busy day when time will fly away from you without noticing.

But you're talking about services that you opt into, typically with the understanding that you're being datamined. Not to mention that certain services, like online banking, can't sell to advertisers most or all of the data, such as where you're shopping. Many banks will sell some info to third parties, but there is usually an opt-out, and opting out of receiving ads doesn't shut down half of your banking services.

The problem with this being done on your pc's OS (an OS that is flat out required to run a lot of applications that are necessary to work and live) is this is a dramatic ramp-up in data collection and privacy erosion, opt-in is required for a number of services, even when opting out the OS is still sending out personally identifiable information in some circumstances, and paid for software is not suppose to generate revenue from ads or datamining. You should make money on your OS by selling the OS- not by selling out your customers' privacy.

Saying "well, your other apps mine and sell your data. what's different here?" undermines the magnitude of this encroachment on personal privacy. That's like saying "well, they put cameras on the red lights. how's it different if they put them in your homes?"

Yet, as pointed out before, Googles Android and iOS collect a lot of the same data. Hell I have installed apps that ask permission to my contacts. Games. What for? To mine the data and sell to make money.

I have linked articles showing what companies like Google think about your privacy, they don't care. To them you are nothing but a money bag. Yet people use and have been using their services without blinking.

The second Microsoft does it everyone gets up in arms.

As I said, I still want more control especially for the super paranoid people out there but the amount of attention it is getting is pretty funny.

As well I trust Microsoft much like I trust VALVe. They are both companies that tend to secure data better than others. As I said, how many times have you seen an article showing millions of users personal data has been compromised from Microsoft? Not many. If so I haven;t found it online, just some small breaches. Now look at other major companies, including banking. They all have had major breaches, even the US government has.

I am sure this will die down in the near future but I am also sure that Microsoft will also make some additional changes to allow for more control on the desktop version as the majority of these things seem to pertain to the more mobile aspect of Windows 10, which again it is a AiO OS meaning that the mobile version will be the same as the desktop version.
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