Cougar Releases Budget Cougar-SL Power Supplies

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Hopefully these are Haswell certified (or at least capable)... otherwise those guys will heave a heart attack when they read the TDP of deep sleep state haswell chips lol
I bought 2 cougar ST series, also a budget series and they work as intended, no hang or restart even in low line voltage conditions.
With the Haswell scenario, a dummy load will do the trick if it will cause unstable voltages in low current/load condition, but the motherboard is not only the load in a PC so I don't think it is needed at all. If you know the inner working of a switching power supply, you will understand what I mean.
I think the Haswell hipe comes from the PSU designers/manufactures themselves so that they can sell you a "special Haswell PSU" with a higher profit.
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