Could I use a monitor to play console games on?


Oct 29, 2010
I'm thinking about getting a Playstation TV, but I don't have a television at the moment. I was thinking I could maybe get a monitor with built-in speakers to replace the old 20-inch I use for watching videos on. Would a monitor be any good for playing non-PC games on? Or should I just look into getting a TV instead?

EDIT: I'm currently looking at this monitor, for those interesting in knowing what I plan on getting to see if it would be good or not.
Er... I know how to connect a console to a monitor with HDMI, no problem.
I'm asking if a monitor is any good AS a device to play video games on.
As in, would there be any dip in quality and whatnot.

if anything a monitor is better than your basic HDTV. no interlacing or bs like that