I'm having an increasingly bad CPU overheating problem on my pre-built watercooled Ibuypower PC.
A rundown of the problem: from basically the time I bought it in July until about a month ago, occasionally while going full load, the CPU would spike to 80c. I'd reduce the load, not thinking too much about it, probably stupidly. Last month, the CPU spiked to 95c while at full load, and wouldn't go back down. I did a cursory cleaning of the radiator fans and rejiggered the BIOS setting so that the fans and the cooler kicked in at lower temperatures than they had been (around 50c). The problem of greater than 70c temperatures persisted, so I planned a deeper clean of the radiator fans and bought some thermal paste. However, with the craziness of the world in its present state, I haven't been able to finding isopropyl alcohol, so I haven't been able to reapply thermal paste.
Yesterday, I got a new monitor. I set up a dual monitor setup. Today I woke up and it was at 95c just running YouTube and having a few tabs open on Chrome. I undid the dual monitor setup, but the PC wouldn't stop hovering around 95c, even just on the desktop screen with nothing open. It's so sluggish I can't work with it at the moment, and the CPU cooler block is very hot to the touch, unsurprisingly. It hasn't actually crashed, for whatever reason, but this is obviously going to be terrible for the life of my CPU if it continues, and the PC is presently unusable.
As I said, it's pre-built, and I can't find anything about the watercooling system that comes with it. There's nothing listed on it anywhere. The motherboard is an ASROCK Z390 phantom gaming 41B, the CPU is an i7-9700k 8-core 3.6 Ghz, and the GPU is a RTX 2070 8gig, but the temperatures on the motherboard and the GPU seem fine (40c and 30c respectively while the CPU was at 95c). I'm starting to suspect there's a pretty serious problem with the watercooling, to the point I'm not sure it's working at all. I can't hear any circulation, it doesn't sound like it's humming, etc. Should I clean the radiator and reapply thermal paste, do some kind of other troubleshooting, or go straight to the manufacturer? Should I change my monitor setup again? How best would I contact the manufacturer? How stupid am I for buying prebuilt and not building my own?
Let me know if you need any more details. Thanks ahead of time for the help.
ETA: I've been monitoring temps via CPUID HW Monitor.
I've also checked that the heatsink on the CPU is seated properly. It appears to be. No give/wiggle at all.
A rundown of the problem: from basically the time I bought it in July until about a month ago, occasionally while going full load, the CPU would spike to 80c. I'd reduce the load, not thinking too much about it, probably stupidly. Last month, the CPU spiked to 95c while at full load, and wouldn't go back down. I did a cursory cleaning of the radiator fans and rejiggered the BIOS setting so that the fans and the cooler kicked in at lower temperatures than they had been (around 50c). The problem of greater than 70c temperatures persisted, so I planned a deeper clean of the radiator fans and bought some thermal paste. However, with the craziness of the world in its present state, I haven't been able to finding isopropyl alcohol, so I haven't been able to reapply thermal paste.
Yesterday, I got a new monitor. I set up a dual monitor setup. Today I woke up and it was at 95c just running YouTube and having a few tabs open on Chrome. I undid the dual monitor setup, but the PC wouldn't stop hovering around 95c, even just on the desktop screen with nothing open. It's so sluggish I can't work with it at the moment, and the CPU cooler block is very hot to the touch, unsurprisingly. It hasn't actually crashed, for whatever reason, but this is obviously going to be terrible for the life of my CPU if it continues, and the PC is presently unusable.
As I said, it's pre-built, and I can't find anything about the watercooling system that comes with it. There's nothing listed on it anywhere. The motherboard is an ASROCK Z390 phantom gaming 41B, the CPU is an i7-9700k 8-core 3.6 Ghz, and the GPU is a RTX 2070 8gig, but the temperatures on the motherboard and the GPU seem fine (40c and 30c respectively while the CPU was at 95c). I'm starting to suspect there's a pretty serious problem with the watercooling, to the point I'm not sure it's working at all. I can't hear any circulation, it doesn't sound like it's humming, etc. Should I clean the radiator and reapply thermal paste, do some kind of other troubleshooting, or go straight to the manufacturer? Should I change my monitor setup again? How best would I contact the manufacturer? How stupid am I for buying prebuilt and not building my own?
Let me know if you need any more details. Thanks ahead of time for the help.
ETA: I've been monitoring temps via CPUID HW Monitor.
I've also checked that the heatsink on the CPU is seated properly. It appears to be. No give/wiggle at all.