CPU Benchmark Software


Nov 20, 2017
So I recently upgraded to the 8700k and wanted to do some more overclocking on it. (currently at only 4.6ghz 1.25 volts) I just want to know of some really good stability testing software so i can push it further and test to see if my overclock is good. Ive tried using Prime 95 but the temps are always so freaking high and ive read its not a good test for real world applications. So if anyone as any reccomendations on some software other than prime 95 I would greatly appreciate it. Also if somebody has an explanation for prime 95 I would also love to hear.
Yes it is. Avoid the 85-100c range if possible. It will have a dramatic impact on the lifespan of the CPU if it runs at that temperature long term. If the overclock does not fail after 24 hours in Prime95 I would consider it stable.
The idea of a stress test is to push the system as hard as possible, so any issues that are present will be seen. Yes, you could argue that none of your software will ever push your computer that hard, but that's accepting that your system might have problems but you don't care since you'll probably never see those problems manifest themselves as you use your computer.

I see it differently. If your temps are too high in Prime95 then that means you have cooling issues. I would not be comfortable ignoring that and using a less stressful stress test. It's like if you are driving your car and the engine starts to make a funny noise. Do you just turn up the music so you don't hear the noise?
well i decided to do the prime 95 again siince aida 64 costs money and after runny SMALL FTTS or whatever its called (still running rn) My processor is hanging out at 90 to 93 c but the only problem with your analogy is my processor is never running at these temps or loads all the time. If you start your car up and youre hearing a bad noise from the get go then obviously theres going to be a problem all the time. Im never running my proccessor at these loads for this long. Im at roughly 15 20 minutes of testing and still stable but ill give a look at OCCT. If you guys have anything to say about my prime 95 results and temps im all ears. Ive heard of people getting much better temps at higher OCs so i am curious there. And these tests were form people without delidding as well which of course i have not done.
h100iv2. I lowered my voltage from 1.25 to 1.23 and temps went from what they were to 80 to 82 c after 20 to 30 minutes which has to be pretty close to good temps. And the cooler is applied properly.
Yes it is. Avoid the 85-100c range if possible. It will have a dramatic impact on the lifespan of the CPU if it runs at that temperature long term. If the overclock does not fail after 24 hours in Prime95 I would consider it stable.