Question CPU cooking works on and off

Apr 20, 2023
I recently bought a msi mag coreliquid 240r v2. When I boot up the pc the cooler fans seem to run at a high speed on boot up. If I check temps they go from 65 degrees celcius all the way up to 100 (there’s been a couple occasions where it’s turned off at 110). Then sometimes the fans go from full speed to a much quieter speed and the temps start being normal (nothing over 65). Play high demanding games and temps are fine. I would turn off and a day later I would have the same issues. It’s just random. Sometimes it would just be cool from the get go and sometimes I’d have the overheating issue. Running a 5700x, 3070, 16gb ram, aorus b550 elite

Things I’ve done/ checked:
Plastic removed from cooler head
Thermal paste correctly applied
Cooler head correctly placed and well fitted
Checked the bios and fans are set to “normal”

Would love some advice please
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

Case and fans? Fan placements and air flow directions?

= = = =

Use Task Manager and Resource Monitor to observe system performance. Use both tools but only one tool at a time.

Determine what the system is doing or trying to do when the fan speeds and/or temperatures go up and down.
First, regarding the fast fan start-up: this is NORMAL. Virtually ALL mobos do this at start-up: all fans start at full speed. Then in a short time (5 - 15 sec) as the POST process completes and the system gets temperature readings, the fan speed control system takes over and reduces the speeds to what is needed at that time.

Regarding the sometimes high initial TEMPERATURES, check this detail first - it is NOT shown in your AIO system manual. You are instructed to plug the cable from the PUMP unit into the mobo CPU_FAN header OR into a CHA_FAN / PUMP header. IF you have it into a PUMP header, make sure that the header is set to PUMP mode, and not to FAN mode. IF it is plugged into your CPU_FAN header, check that header's MODE setting. Options are normally: Voltage Control Mode (aka DC Mode), PWM Mode, or Auto. When used with a pump this way, that header MUST be SET to PWM Mode, not Voltage or DC or Auto. This is necessary to ensure that the pump always runs full speed as designed. IF your header is set wrong it may cause the pump to run too slow, causing those higher temperatures.

If those things are all OK, it is possible your system has an air bubble in the pump that causes it to fail to move water, but somehow manages to clear itself of that temporarily.