Mar 22, 2019
Disclaimer: this is my first time building a PC, so these might be dumb questions
I got a bit over-excited when I got all my parts in, and started assembling without paying as close attention as I probably should've. After mounting my motherboard in my case, I noticed two things:
1.) The way I installed it, the logo on my CPU cooler's radiator (Cooler Master Hyper 212 RGB Black Edition) is upside-down. I don't think this will have any effect on the performance, but it's still going to bother me. What's the best way to remove it from my CPU without breaking anything so I can turn it around and have the logo right-side-up?
2.) I forgot to install one of the stand-offs (I think that's what they're called? The things you screw the motherboard onto) onto the case before screwing in my motherboard. Will one stand-off make enough of a difference to where it's worth the effort of un-plugging the things I've already plugged into the motherboard and unscrewing it to install that last stand-off? There's five (I think) already in place.
Most ATX motherboards use 9 standoff holes, but many cases forgo the central standoff and use a pin instead, to help line up the motherboard in the correct position. That leaves 8, so it's OK to miss one or three, as long as where the standoff should be doesn't require pressure. I'd not skip one in a corner that has a eps connector, but the bottom right with easy slide switch/led connectors is will be ok.

If CM is upside down, only one fix. Pop the heatsink brackets loose and remove the heatsink and flip it right side up. The paste should be ok to do this, but may need wiping off and reapplication