Peltier cooling water loop
Unsatisfied with you tube vids of just adding a Peltier cooler to the CPU and running at minus temperatures, since I worked in electronics I built a temp sensor connected to a meter to monitor temperatures. The temp voltage also controls a transistor stage to control the voltage to the Peltier. At this time I'm thinking of using water cooling to cool the Peltier hot side, the cold side is used to cool water that is circulated to a water block for the CPU. A big thing is insulation and I have a lot of rapidly moving air inside the case, Hopefully I can get some fairly cool water In a plastic container that will be able to cool the CPU and vent the heat to a radiator. I still have to make a case to hold the water and test the whole system out. I disliked the size of the temp sensor of commercially selling temp controllers and I'm using analog rather than digital on off control. Also it is fairly easy to insulate the Peltier so it is in a sealed chamber and eliminates the condensation issue.
Unsatisfied with you tube vids of just adding a Peltier cooler to the CPU and running at minus temperatures, since I worked in electronics I built a temp sensor connected to a meter to monitor temperatures. The temp voltage also controls a transistor stage to control the voltage to the Peltier. At this time I'm thinking of using water cooling to cool the Peltier hot side, the cold side is used to cool water that is circulated to a water block for the CPU. A big thing is insulation and I have a lot of rapidly moving air inside the case, Hopefully I can get some fairly cool water In a plastic container that will be able to cool the CPU and vent the heat to a radiator. I still have to make a case to hold the water and test the whole system out. I disliked the size of the temp sensor of commercially selling temp controllers and I'm using analog rather than digital on off control. Also it is fairly easy to insulate the Peltier so it is in a sealed chamber and eliminates the condensation issue.