So I built a new computer yesterday and everything is running fine until it freezes up during a video after a long day on. I download and run SpeedFan and see that the CPU (i5 2500k) is idling between 60-90C. It also shows an AUX at 90ishC, but I'm not sure what that is. I haven't done any overclocking.
I bought all the parts at a store that does the mounting of the CPU and RAM for you and then checks that their working, so I'm wondering if my problem is they did a poor job applying the thermal paste?
However, the place I live in also has no AC and the room can get pretty warm now that winter is over. The rest of my SpeedFan readings are low, though, so wondering if CPU is just more susceptible to the room's temperature?
The case I got also only has 1 fan, so I'm wondering if getting an extra fan and keeping my room cooler will help? or is this an issue with the mounting of the CPU and I should probably take it back to the store? or probably just a combination of all of the above?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
So I built a new computer yesterday and everything is running fine until it freezes up during a video after a long day on. I download and run SpeedFan and see that the CPU (i5 2500k) is idling between 60-90C. It also shows an AUX at 90ishC, but I'm not sure what that is. I haven't done any overclocking.
I bought all the parts at a store that does the mounting of the CPU and RAM for you and then checks that their working, so I'm wondering if my problem is they did a poor job applying the thermal paste?
However, the place I live in also has no AC and the room can get pretty warm now that winter is over. The rest of my SpeedFan readings are low, though, so wondering if CPU is just more susceptible to the room's temperature?
The case I got also only has 1 fan, so I'm wondering if getting an extra fan and keeping my room cooler will help? or is this an issue with the mounting of the CPU and I should probably take it back to the store? or probably just a combination of all of the above?
Thanks in advance for any advice.