Question CPU temp spiking


Feb 8, 2017
Hey everyone,
I'm having an issue that someone else just posted on here as well though with different hardware. My CPU's temp started spiking while idle about 2 weeks ago and it's gotten progressively worse. I've done everything I possibly could to troubleshot but alas nothing has worked.

Intel i7 6700K
Corsair H100i GTX
Asus z170-A
GTX 970
Gskill Ripjaws V series 16Gb 3200 (2x8)
Corsair RM650 Gold modular
Samsung 750 EVO SSD
1TB Seagate HDD
NZXT Phantom 530 Case
3440x1440 Ultrawide LG Monitor

Things I've done:
-dust and clean everything
-reapply thermal paste and reseat cooler
-clean install of windows 10
-revert to previous build of windows 10
-set max voltage to 1.350

At this point I don't know what to do and even the simplest of tasks such as opening a chrome browser causes the temps to spike 80+. I used to be able to run overwatch at high settings and now i can barely run it at medium without the cpu hitting 100 degrees.

Someone said my cpu is a dead boi? is this true?
If this is the case then I don't really have the money to buy something completely new but would it be worth upgrading the cpu, mobo, and aio to :

mis MPG x570 gaming edge wifi mobo
amd ryzen 3700x
noctua d15

All help appreciated.

P.S. If upgraded those parts would my gpu bottleneck the system?
I do some gaming along with photoshop and lightroom use.
Max voltage for your CPU is at 1.350v?!?!? If so, bring that back down to 1.25~1.3, if you're not overclocking. Which BIOS version are you currently on for your motherboard? Which version of Windows 10 are you on?

sorry it was so late last night when I posted this that I forgot to elaborate. It’s running at stock speed and I messed with the voltage from 1.2-1.35 but none of it worked based on a video I saw of a guy with the same issue.
Running latest BIOS 3802 and version 1903 of windows 10