I was wondering something about my CPU.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846
AMD's website says it's temp is suppose to be running at 55-70c, and mine is OC'd to 3.7GHz, and it's temp is 36-40, is it okay if it runs at so low a temp? Even playing black ops it only gets to about 47c. Just wondering if it's okay if it runs as so low a temperature.
P.S. Fail link is fail.. don't know how to get it to work xD
AMD's website says it's temp is suppose to be running at 55-70c, and mine is OC'd to 3.7GHz, and it's temp is 36-40, is it okay if it runs at so low a temp? Even playing black ops it only gets to about 47c. Just wondering if it's okay if it runs as so low a temperature.
P.S. Fail link is fail.. don't know how to get it to work xD