CPU upgrade or GPU Upgrade?


Jan 7, 2011
The games I play is WoW.

My specs:

RAM: 4gb
CPU: AMD A8 5500
GPU: r7 250x

People say wow is CPU intensive but see no proof so am unsure about that claim.

So would a Intel i5 benefit me more than a new GPU (say 270x)?

Also my CPU usage and GPU usage are both way below 100% and I get 20 fps during raids.


The i5 upgrade is sounder and will last longer. You can turn down the resolution and effects of games to get good FPS on your GPU, but soon your APU is going to run into a wall. If you upgrade to a 270x that will hasten this day, which will require the CPU upgrade. The CPU upgrade will require motherboard replacement, but the GPU upgrade may require a PSU replacement.

A cheap upgrade would be to increase your RAM to 8Gb; many games really need that much if anything else at all is running on the computer.

You are on a path for replacement of CPU, GPU, Motherboard, and PSU, with a RAM upgrade. I'd try to schedule one every three months at least. Design where you want to get to, and start with the RAM, then PSU, buy the motherboard...
The i5 would help out overall both in and out of WoW and if you jumped over to other games also. However the 270x would be a nice performance boost also, both in and out of WoW.

Either decision would be performance gains. What to do what to do.

I think you problem lies in your whole PC, but I suggest upgrade in such order:

8GB RAM > GPU (I advice nVidia instead of Radeon) > CPU (because it takes a MoBo exchange)

If your wallet is wealthy change MB+CPU+RAM and leave your GPU untill GTX980 will hit a GTX970 price.

Former WoW player.

The i5 upgrade is sounder and will last longer. You can turn down the resolution and effects of games to get good FPS on your GPU, but soon your APU is going to run into a wall. If you upgrade to a 270x that will hasten this day, which will require the CPU upgrade. The CPU upgrade will require motherboard replacement, but the GPU upgrade may require a PSU replacement.

A cheap upgrade would be to increase your RAM to 8Gb; many games really need that much if anything else at all is running on the computer.

You are on a path for replacement of CPU, GPU, Motherboard, and PSU, with a RAM upgrade. I'd try to schedule one every three months at least. Design where you want to get to, and start with the RAM, then PSU, buy the motherboard and CPU in any order, then install them when you have both, and final buy the best GPU you can't quite afford.