CPU usage dropping (displayed via task manager) causing lag & stutter


May 15, 2015

I have an AMD FX-6350 CPU and as of recent ( at least I have only really noticed it within the past few months) whenever I am doing a somewhat CPU heavy task, such as playing a game (GTA 5) or watching more than one twitch live stream at a time I get major FPS drops / video stutter, and when looking at my CPU usage it drops from say 70-80% down to about 20%.
When I am only watching 1 stream or playing a slightly less intensive game such as WoW or LoL I get steady 60+ FPS all the time for hours.

I have tried looking for issues relating to CPU usage dropping but haven't really found anything, I was just curious if it's my CPU simply not that great with handling certain tasks like that, or if it's some fault with my system than I can potentially fix.

I have 16GB's of RAM I dont think it's anything to do with that really, I did drop my polling rate down though to 125Hz ill have to wait and see if that helps anything.