[SOLVED] Cpu's doenst Turbo boost (enabled turbo boost in BIOS)


Jun 26, 2017
I recently bought intel server to use it as regular desktop and i dont gave any problems except one my cpus dont get the performance they have available from turbo boost ~400mhz (on 12 cores it would make a lot of performance gain)
so this is what im rocking:
CPU: 2x Xeon X5650
RAM: 4x some Kingston server memory 1333mhz stuff

i guess rest doesnt matter....
Here is the screenshot of me trying to load 4 threads but windows 10 is autistic and cant even do that but yea the point is look at max cpu speed its 2,6 ghz and i calculated on all cores it can work with 2,9... ghz cuz its running now on 20x multilplier instead of 22x on all cores you can see cpu can do that and coolers is allso capable of doing that.

To anyone that helps allready im saying Thank You!
okay i found the problem and Speed step was disabled aswell and when i did enable cpu did tubo boost tnx for help but i managed to fix this one by myself
What are the temperatures like when maxing out on utilization? Is it thermal throttling? Just wondering if it was thermal throttling that prevented it at any point to reach turbo boost frequencies.
Different processor, but same logic I suppose? I read this thread https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/turbo-boost-not-working-but-enabled.2752861/ and it seems like turbo boost only works on a single core, and that perhaps the fact that you have so much cores, that it appears like there's no performance boost?
I allready did read the whole thread that guys just didnt see that his cpu did turbo but mine cpus doenst trubo at all check the max clocks on the cpu on bouth tests and it does allso turbo on all cores active. It should do close to 3ghz on all cores with turbo.