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bork bork bork bork 11:41:24 AM bork 2/27/2005 bork
[Found this in the lair:
> The commas represent opened doors. The Lair of Beasts is mostly just
> full of natural creatures.
> The plant wasn't hiding anything, either.
There is one minivault that looks basically like what you wrote, but with a
few twists:
static char minivault_9(char vgrid[81][81], FixedVector<int, 7>& mons_array)
{ // evil zoo
UNUSED( mons_array );
strcpy(vgrid[0], "............");
strcpy(vgrid[1], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[2], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[3], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[4], ".===8888===.");
strcpy(vgrid[5], ".===8998===.");
strcpy(vgrid[6], ".===8998===.");
strcpy(vgrid[7], ".===8888===.");
strcpy(vgrid[8], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[9], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[10], ".==========.");
strcpy(vgrid[11], "............");
return MAP_NORTH;
The "=" should be secret doors. The 8's and 9's should be out-of-depth
monsters, as described in a part of vault_grid:
monster_level = ((vgrid == '8') ? (4 + (level_number * 2)) :
(vgrid == '9') ? (5 + level_number) : level_number); other words, seriously out of depth.
If that really is the template used, I still have no idea why the exhibits
left the zoo... and where and *how* they went away. I take it you discovered
and opened the secret doors yourself?