[Crawl] YAPC: Illa the Halfling Paladin of the Shining One



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This is, by far, my most unusual game of Crawl and it may be
my best character so far! (But with a lifetime total of one Rune,
my best is not all that great. ;-)

I decided to try something different with this character: go down
as fast as possible until I found something 'interesting' or had
to flee from something nasty. A Halfling Assassin was a good choice
for this mission, and Illa was created.

He quickly decended to dungeon level 5 and found...Gold Dragon Armor!
hmmm, I'd been trying to get a Halfling Fighter going, with little
success, here was my chance! Doning the Armor, he quickly retreated
up the staircase & started practicing with the armor (I turned off
everything except Armor, Fighting & ShortSwords). He very easily
cleared out levels 4 -> 1, then things got 'interesting' again...

On level 5 he encountered a player ghost, my best (dead) earth
elementalist, which promptly beat up Illa and sent him fleeing to
Level 6. Level 6 was no problem, but Level 7 and 8 both had Wights on
As a Level 6 (?) Assassin with a +1 Sabre and little mobility in his
armor, the Wights were a bit too scary for him and he fled to dungeon
level 9. Oh ya, the Wight on Level 7 was loitering outside on the

Level 9 had both the Orcish Mines & Lair. With poison resistance, but
still rather poor armor skill, I tried the Lair. Good choice. The Lair
was not very difficult, though Spiny Frogs could still get through
his AC20. Somewhere along the way he found his longsword.

Since this dump:
- Illa the level 14 Assassin saw the Light and became a devote of the
Shining One, discarding his poisonous weapons and taking up a bow.(The
needles were becoming rather ineffective against many monsters anyway.
Also, he made it to Level 14 without the help of a god, the
Shining One is a rather unobtrusive god to worship.)
- He has cleared out the Mines and most of the Snake Pit
- found little equipment of interest... :-(

I need suggestions on:
- Which branches to explore next?
Complete: Main 1-9, Mines, Lair, Snake Pit
I've seen in previous games:
- Elvish Halls (though I did not clear them)
- the Abyss (as little as possible)
- the Maze, twice fs(but that is another story...)
- What to watch out for in those branches!!
- Should I try to learn some magic?
I've got a RoFire, BoFlames and a RoWizardry to practice with.
The other spell I am considering learning is Blink.
I'd have to be darn good to be able to cast spells with the
Dragon Armor on though...

I've updated the dump with the changes I remember from last nights

Dungeon Crawl version 4.0.0 beta 26 character file.

Welcome, Illa the Halfling Assassin^H^H^H^H Paladin of the Shining

Illa the Slicer (Halfling)
(Level 16 Assassin)

Play time: 06:32:49 Number of turns: 30900

Experience : 13/43218
Strength 15 Dexterity 21 Intelligence 8
Hit Points : 87 Magic Points : 21
AC : 27 Evasion : 7 Shield : 4
GP : 1273

You are in the Snake Pit.
You are full.

Hand weapons
a - a +4,+5 elven long sword
b - a +2 +4 scimitar of flame (weapon)
c - a +3,+2 bow
r - the +1 robe of the Earth (cached)
It affects your strength (+2).
It greatly protects you from fire.
It insulates you from electricity.

A - a +0 cloak (worn)
B - a +0 pair of boots (worn)
E - a +3 gold dragon armour (worn)
G - a +0 pair of elven gloves (worn)
H - a +1 helmet (worn)
S - a +1 buckler (worn)

Comestibles - lots of food.
Scrolls - everything I need, including 6 Identify

M - an amulet of resist mutation (around neck)
V - a +5 ring of evasion (left hand)
m - a ring of protection from magic (right hand)
K - a ring of fire
L - a ring of life protection
P - a +4 ring of protection
b - a ring of poison resistance
v - a +3 ring of evasion
y - a +5 ring of intelligence
z - an amulet of clarity
F - an amulet of the gourmand
I - an amulet of conservation
p - 10 potions of healing
s - 2 potions of levitation
O - 2 potions of invisibility
t - a book of Party Tricks, Wizardry, Flames, and a few others

+ Level 11 Fighting
- Level 6 Short Blades
- Level 17 Long Blades
- Level 8 Bows
- Level 8 Darts
- Level 6 Throwing
+ Level 8 Armour
- Level 2 Dodging
- Level 4 Stealth
- Level 2 Stabbing
+ Level 5 Shields
- Level 1 Spellcasting
+ Level 4 Evocations

You have 14 spell levels left.
You don't know any spells.

Vanquished Creatures
5 hydras - I hate hydras! (especially the 11 headed ones!)
A polar bear (Lair:10) - my first ever.
A brain worm (Lair:8) - also my first.


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An update on Illa.

Still alive! And has his first Rune: the Serpentine Rune!
Cleared out the Snake Pit and down to DL:15.

The Nagas were not difficult, but I played it safe and took on only
1-2 at
a time. On DL:15 there were a bunch of treasure rooms with lots of
Giants, Cyclops' and Centaur Captains. With AC33, Illa toyed with most
of them. Only the Stone Giant Skeleton did any serious damage.

Next is the Elvish Halls.
The Hive is likely next, on DL:14.

Now a Level 17 Assassin.
Equipment updates:
a - a +5 +4 scimitar of flame (weapon)
b - a +2 +0 mace of disruption (a "Paladin" HAS to have one of these!)
c - a +4,+4 bow
All armor bits are enchanted to +2, for a total of AC33

+ Level 13 Fighting
- Level 17 Long Blades
- Level 10 Bows
- Level 8 Throwing
+ Level 10 Armour
+ Level 8 Shields
- Level 1 Spellcasting
+ Level 4 Invocations
+ Level 7 Evocations


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Elven Halls cleared!

Crystal Spear is a nasty spell! Fortunately the Elven Annilator was
by himself.
Things got dicey a bit later, with the Shining One saving Illa twice
with 1 HP, when a short sword of distortion bounced me into a large
group of spellcasters and type 1 & 2 demons.

Booty from the Halls included:
+5 +0 falcion of holy wrath
+3 gloves (+3 damage dealing)
ring of cold resistance (+3 Dex, Blink)
5 potions of mutation (I couldn't resist trying...and it worked out
bad: preference for meat
good: elec. res, fire breath, control teleport, slow metabolism,
AC+2, res. confusion
a couple others came and went...

Still a Lvl17 Assassin due to a bunch of draining from elven death
mages & some demons. Then I found out that the Shining One protects
against this while praying!

Skills didn't move much.


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Cleared the Hives, and went down to DL:16.
The first monster Illa encounter is a Frost Dragon.
He thinks, "No problem, with my +7+4 Scimitar of Flaming!"
WHAP! "The frost dragon is moderately wounded."
WHAP! "The quicksilver dragon is lightly wounded."
"A bolt of energy hits you."
"That hurt a lot!" (losing 40-50HP)

Illa runs away to DL:15 using Blink and Controlled Teleport. (which
worked flawlessly)

Ok, let's try the other staircase down...
And go dropped back at the same place on DL:16.
Back up... no other staircases down.

DL:16 is the map with a row of 3 stairs up on the left side of the map
and 3 stairs in a row down on the right side of the map; and lots of
open areas in the middle. No other stairwells to DL:15.

Check inventory:
- no scrolls of teleport (they got burnt by the elves, and I didn't
cache any)
- one potion each of Might & Speed
- controlled blink

Ok, let's try Might & Speed.
- Bad idea, the quicksilver dragon smacked Illa around.
- Flee back to DL:15.

Ok, let's try controlled blink & flee down to DL:17.
- Rest, back down to DL:16
- Blink. Good, only lost 40 HP. (of 111)
- Blink. Bad! Controlled blink didn't work right and I'm now closer to
the dragon! (lose 20 HP)
- Blink. Oops! "You breath fire." That was "a" "f", not "a" "g"!! Lose
20 HP.
- Blink. Good. A bit further away. Lose 20 HP.
- Blink. Bad. Barely moved. Lose 20 HP.
Illa now has 30HP and is too far away from the stairs to go back up to
DL:15 (oh, and the dragon is between him and the stairs anyway.) and
is 4-6 moves away from the nearest wall he can hide behind (the
destination of the blinks)
- Attempt Blink again. Nothing usefull.
"You die."

What did I learn here?
- always have teleport scrolls handy when going into unknown
- shapeshifters are VERY BAD!
- quicksilver dragons are VERY BAD! (Even with AC40, Shield 9, 111HP)
- controlled blink is not a reliable method of running away. (It can
get you out of a group of baddies, but isn't reliable enough for 2-4

So, I sacrificed a few random characters to the RNG.
After 10 or so rather quick deaths (I think one character made it to
DL:3) a Kobold Assassin is randomly created. Sue, the Assassin
rapidly becomes a Lvl:5 assasin, and on DL:3 finds, Crystal Plate!!!
ARRRGGGHHH! This is JUST like Illa the Halfling Assassin character
that just died, who found Gold Dragon armor! Do I attempt to play Sue
the Kobold as a fighter in Crystal Plate, or just ignore it and
continue playing as an Assassin?


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In article <73c2de9e.0408120547.46c5dedb@posting.google.com>,
Dalton Wudrich <dalton_wudrich@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Elven Halls cleared!

Good one.

>5 potions of mutation (I couldn't resist trying...and it worked out
> bad: preference for meat

Rename that 'good': it means that you can now chow down on Meaty Critter
Chunks until you're completely stuffed, without requiring and amulet of
the gourmand.

> good: elec. res, fire breath, control teleport, slow metabolism,
>AC+2, res. confusion

Boy were you lucky...

Mark Mackey
The Association for the Advancement of Dungeon Crawling
Hints, tips and spoilers


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dalton_wudrich@hotmail.com (Dalton Wudrich) wrote in
> Ok, let's try controlled blink & flee down to DL:17.
> - Rest, back down to DL:16
> - Blink. Good, only lost 40 HP. (of 111)
> - Blink. Bad! Controlled blink didn't work right and I'm now closer to
> the dragon! (lose 20 HP)
> - Blink. Oops! "You breath fire." That was "a" "f", not "a" "g"!! Lose
> 20 HP.
> - Blink. Good. A bit further away. Lose 20 HP.
> - Blink. Bad. Barely moved. Lose 20 HP.

And you call this controlled blink?

> What did I learn here?
> - always have teleport scrolls handy when going into unknown
> territory.
You should go a little up if you haven't problems with food. I actually
think you were killed by combination of low casting skill and low dodging.

> - shapeshifters are VERY BAD!
> - quicksilver dragons are VERY BAD! (Even with AC40, Shield 9, 111HP)

Stay long distance from them and run quickly.

> - controlled blink is not a reliable method of running away. (It can
> get you out of a group of baddies, but isn't reliable enough for 2-4
> jumps.)
> So, I sacrificed a few random characters to the RNG.
> After 10 or so rather quick deaths (I think one character made it to
> DL:3) a Kobold Assassin is randomly created. Sue, the Assassin
> rapidly becomes a Lvl:5 assasin, and on DL:3 finds, Crystal Plate!!!
> ARRRGGGHHH! This is JUST like Illa the Halfling Assassin character
> that just died, who found Gold Dragon armor! Do I attempt to play Sue
> the Kobold as a fighter in Crystal Plate, or just ignore it and

Go for it.

> continue playing as an Assassin?

Kizutsuite 'ta ano hi kara