[SOLVED] Cryorig H7 quad lumi Ryzen 3000 CPU


Aug 15, 2013
Is the Cryorig H7 Quad lumi compatible with a Ryzen 3700x. I read some posts that because of its convex design that it will not cool Ryzen 3000 CPU's very well. Is this true?
Is the Cryorig H7 Quad lumi compatible with a Ryzen 3700x. I read some posts that because of its convex design that it will not cool Ryzen 3000 CPU's very well. Is this true?
3700x has two chips instead of one but they are very close to each other, still parctically in the center and thick IHS. Convex is very small, a fraction of mm so TIM paste can easily fill up the space. With a proper mounting kit it will be just fine or as good a if it was flat. Certainly better than OEM cooler.
Is the Cryorig H7 Quad lumi compatible with a Ryzen 3700x. I read some posts that because of its convex design that it will not cool Ryzen 3000 CPU's very well. Is this true?
3700x has two chips instead of one but they are very close to each other, still parctically in the center and thick IHS. Convex is very small, a fraction of mm so TIM paste can easily fill up the space. With a proper mounting kit it will be just fine or as good a if it was flat. Certainly better than OEM cooler.
I have the AM4 mount and bracket. I did a test with a card. It is flat one horizontally and had a tiny bit of movement vertically. Also, I have the 4 white posts with the mounting it. If installed would it better to use the white posts or use the floating mounting mount which is a pain to install alone?