Crysis 2 Gets an Official New Release Date

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can't wait for this game. also by that time, we will probably be seeing some new hardware components as well.
Looks OK, but it all depends on whether they will tie the second game's story into the first one (with characters, etc.) or not. If not, it will be a major disappointment.
Pretty obvious that the storyline will continue. I heard we get to play as Prophet this time, and even if not, I suspect at some point his fate will be revealed on the island.
Still waiting for more high-res PC shots. I know they said they're only posting console shots until after summer, but I'm impatient. 😛

Still hoping for a really amazing tie in from the first game. I was so excited for the second game after that cliffhanger and now they're running off someplace else. :/
OK, so I guess then I will upgrade next year then and sell off my unopened core i7920 and just wait for a better i7. Still thinking about getting a new mb and corssfiring my 5850 or by next year just get a new GPU by that time its released, Im sure the game will be the next version of DX11, mYBE dx11.2 which will probably be helpful for 3d....
[citation][nom]razercultmember1[/nom]whew time enough to get me 3 more 5870s and a six core !_![/citation]

And still you will only get 25 Ffps! Maybe in 2014 when the 8870's come out you will be able to play it on high setting and get above 50 fps!😛
I'm honestly relieved a little that some of these awesome new games aren't coming out til next year as it will allow me to do the following:
A: Work on my currently overwhelming backlog I have going already.
B: Should be able to get another 5770 for crossfire or just bypass that and move onto a 6xxx series Radeon.
C: Give them plenty of time to work on the game so we dont get no crummy port of a console game. (Hopefully!)
[citation][nom]IM0001[/nom]Also can't Wait.And yes my computer can play Crysis (and probably 2)[/citation]
I thought everyone could play crysis by now.
I prefer they take the extra few months to, dare I say, "perfect" the game and iron out as much bugs/glitches as possible. The mistake a lot of developers make IMHO, is rushing a under-developed product to the market forcing end user to download patches etc. just to get the game fired up for the first time. Besides, we don't want them to ruin the Crysis name 😀
These game sequels are already being released too fast, and the faster they get released the more they SUCKS, because the developers don't have enough time to create a truly genuine game so they just throw out a mediocre game with mediocre designed levels mediocre gameplay, story and so on. The dev's should take more time to create genuinely new games not just throw outs.
As everyone else here said, this will give ATI more time to get another wave of cards out (hopefully) & improve crossfire performance and allow me enough time to get a few bucks saved up to be able to afford it. IF ATI actually improves crossfire performance I may actually fill all the slots on my ASUS Crosshair IV paired up with my 1090T cpu. Its begging for it...
I just replayed Crysis, and on Hard it took me 12 hours to beat. Way to short a game for such a wait. The multiplayer was hours of fun though.
Sweet! I hope this will give me enough reason to upgrade my 2 year old 4870 512mb! I hope this also means that CryTek are really polishing every bit of issue and tweaking the engine a little bit more.
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